just wanted to hear your opinions on the build, main uses will be gaming, any input would be much appreciated
I would agree with everything BUT the CPU / MOBO. I personally would go with an intel CPU combination! EDIT: an extra £40, however a much better CPU
Im not sure how good that graphics card on there is, but have you considered one of the APUs by AMD? I have a 3870k which is last gen, but its really good and wasnt that expensive (CPU + GPU combined was £90). I recently put in another cheap GFX card crossfired and got double the performance again. edit: fuus - an extra £40 is extra money! people on this forum suck at budget!
It's a cheap budget so I went for cheap mobo, if you had more to spend I would next spend it on a slightly better mobo
Why not have a look at this thread. It shows some good gaming builds for about £310