Hi, out there, is there anyone could help me on how or where i can find a circuits that have an input of 50voltdc and can output to 12voltdc? If possible i need a circuit.
How much current will you be drawing? What level of precsision do you require? It may be helpful to provide an overview of what you are doing, where the power is coming from and where it is going. Otherwise, a technically correct answer wsould be a simple resistor used as a voltage divider, but I doubt that would really do what you need...
50dc volt input to 12dcvolt output Thanks guys for the reply! Actually the volt where I top to is 48voltdc, but it reads a 52voltsdc in my digital tester. I need a maximum of 1.5 amp. (12vlt). I need it very badly as an "add-on" for a project. Thanks again for the concern. If anybody can post a schematic, I appreciate it most. By the way...The "pdf" i think is good enough, but my probz is the "U1" (NCP1031) is not available here in Philippines. I tried the L200, (50vlt down to 20vlt, and used the LM317 as the final (20vlt to 12vlt). But the problem is, the LM317 is too hot to touch after 3 to 5 minutes only!
You're wasting 57 watts across the two regulators so you'll need a massive heatsink, or a fan-cooled CPU type. If you can't get the parts for a DC-DC converter you're maybe better off using a separate 12V supply, it would probably take less space than the heat-sinking needed with the linear 50-12 drop.
Yes I did have an "heatsink" but it works, only it heats-up much! Well, i have no option left but a massive heat-sink with a blower fan I salvage from old PC. Anyway, THANKS SO MUCH GUYS. (especially to moderator who diverted me to a fun-fair-like site! He.........he. (Is there any sub for "NCP1031" DC-DC converter IC? Just asking guys, hope u won't mind.