Acrylic Cube Case Project Log

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by birdie, 16 Feb 2004.

  1. birdie

    birdie What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2003
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    I have designed and planned out my case and now i have started to build it.

    The dimensions will be280(H)x286(W)x280(D). This gives me 274(H)x280(W)x280(D) inside dimensions

    The motherboard is going to be mounted flat on the bottom.

    The drive rack is going to be 150(H)x150(D). It is going to be mounted against the front and top. so it will be attached in 3 corners. I don't have a base in it (just two sides (the drive rack)) but i don't think i will need it. its not dimensioned but it'll give you a bit of an idea of the layout.

    This is all the pieces cut out (except the drive bays and the cubes for the corners)

    This is the mobo attached to the bottom piece

    This is the trusty dremel with the buffer bit on, used to buff the edges of the arylic, including the cubes. :dremel:

    This is the cubes. they are 12mm cube. I have to make 14 of the little suckers :(


    This is another pic of the cubes


    This is with the right hand side attached


    This is how i am using the cubes


    This is the right side and the back attached


    This is back plate and the network cutouts. They still need to be polished :rolleyes:


    This is an isometric view


    5 Sides Attached


    This is an isometric view with 5 sides attached


    This close up on the mobo inside the case

    This project will take me a while as i don't work on it full time (about an hour or so most days).
  2. Shadowed_fury

    Shadowed_fury Minimodder

    21 Nov 2003
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    its rather big aint it!!
    nice going so far, keep it up :thumb:
  3. birdie

    birdie What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2003
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    i could have made it shorter but i wanted to make a cube :naughty:
    I also did plan on putting a scsi drive and scsi card in it but i ended up deciding I didn't need it.

    Thanks :D
  4. Ardentfrost

    Ardentfrost What's a Dremel?

    22 Jan 2004
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    that's some pretty funny carpet you have there ;)

    cool mod too :D
  5. birdie

    birdie What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2003
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    actually that is a blanket on a bed in the computer room :hehe:

    Thanks too :D
  6. <A88>

    <A88> Trust the Computer

    10 Jan 2004
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    At last, someone's making their own clear case! Where did u get the acrylic from?
  7. Zogthetroll

    Zogthetroll What's a Dremel?

    5 Feb 2004
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    Its always nice to see someone else building their own clear case instead of just buying one. cube cases rock!:rock: have you considered using a welding agent to glue some of the parts together instead of using cubes? it would be significantly stronger and probably less of a hassle. also, how many drive bays are you putting in? any more details you can let us in on?
    *edit* if you want to see another acrylic cube case, check my sig.

    KONIJN What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2003
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    system specs plz
    maybe you can put 2 computers in that space
  9. Spotpuff

    Spotpuff What's a Dremel?

    16 Feb 2004
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    Looking good, looking forward to seeing the completion.

    Quick questions:
    1) Where'd you get the clear screws?
    2) Where'd you get the rest of the plexi/cubes?
    3) How did you cut the plexi?

    All I've got is a dremel... would it be possible to do a good plexi mod or do you need a table saw w/ appropriate toothed blade?
  10. birdie

    birdie What's a Dremel?

    5 May 2003
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    yah! :p Well I am from Australia, and i got my acrylic from a local hardware chain (Bunnings Warehouse)

    Yup :D I wanted to make one myself as I wanted to get some experience in modding as my parents won't let me mod the family computers :sigh: so I decided to do it to my linux server box :thumb:

    Well I sort of did consider gluing it but i thought being only 3mm it might not have been strong enough, but yes it would most likely have been much easier, :sigh: I haven't done much more since the last pic as i have been trying to put off making those silly little cubes. (I think they look good but they are a pain in the butt to make :duh:

    I am putting a try load cdrom and 1 or 2 hdds. (I am going to attempt to window an old 4.3g hdd i have and if I am succesful I will put it in the case :D

    Other details? I have polished my hdd so it is nice and shiney :D i have also polished the psu, though i am still not sure if i will leave it in its case :confused: I am planning on having some sort of light source (LEDs or CCFL) under the mobo to glow :p I am thinking of using mainly blue lights :p ( I like blue :naughty: )

    AMD K6/2 333Mhz
    Puma 2 Asus SPAXM-II
    128MB PC133Mhz
    Quantum 6.4G Hdd
    3Com 10/100 Net Card
    Sony 52x CDROM
    (Maybe) a Windowed Quantum 4.3G Hdd

    Thanks :D

    I am not using clear screws?? Source of Acrylic I answered above, for the cubes I got a 12mm wide offcut off a 12mm thick sheet for free :clap: and then i cut them into 12mm cubes and drill them, and tap them. I cut the acrylic with a hacksaw but i should have done it with a jigsaw, it would been much quicker and possibly neater (less sanding :wallbash: )

    I have only used 3 tools so far, a hacksaw to cut the acrylic, a dremel to drill the cubes and a die/tap to tap the holes. (Oh and sandpaper)

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