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Motherboards Advice on a i5 motherboard

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by StrokeMyKeys, 14 Mar 2011.

  1. StrokeMyKeys

    StrokeMyKeys What's a Dremel?

    14 Mar 2011
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    Hi to all,

    I was recently given an i5 760 as a gift and have been looking at motherboards ever since. I'm really not in the know with the newer hardware and I don't have the faintest idea on a decent i5 motherboard. I'm mainly interested in gaming and OCing. I do a little hobbyist 3d modeling on the side.

    My current set up is LGA 775 which I built a very long time ago.

    Would it be possible for someone to suggest an i5 motherboard for around the £100 - 120 mark? Some RAM ideas would be nice too :p

    Much appreciated.

    PS. If you feel I'd be better off keeping my money and getting a better board and / or RAM please do say. I get paid next month and have been wondering the same thing myself.
  2. Concrete-Coffin

    Concrete-Coffin Minimodder

    5 Apr 2010
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    either the Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3R or the Asus P7P55D. These both come in versions with Sata III and usb3 as well (A and E suffix), but i wouldnt recommend them since the Sata III implementation is subpar and usb3 can always be added by means of a pci-e card if necessary. Both mobo's have a decent bios with enough overclocking options, good memory support, easy flashing and possibility to store profiles.

    MSI P55-GD65 is a fairly good alternative, except it's a bit lacking in the memory compatibility department and doesn't have the option of using dynamic vcore when overclocking (unless it has been added by means of a bios update).
  3. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Very good advice!
  4. IvanIvanovich

    IvanIvanovich будет глотать вашу душу.

    31 Aug 2008
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    i have the EVGA P55 SLI 132-LF-E655-KR and have been extremely happy with it, solid overclocker and an excellent board layout. prices on these have dropped to about $110 in the us since the release of the new p67 boards, i would guess it should be in your price range.
    {edit}just checked, and it is http://www.google.co.uk/products/ca...sa=X&ei=jw6OTcA6xpq3B_OX1L4N&ved=0CD0Q8wIwAA#
    for memory as always, i recommend mushkin blackline ddr3 1600
    Last edited: 26 Mar 2011

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