So not Starfield What type of game are you looking for? What have you enjoyed in the past? Prey 2017 would be my go-to recommendation. The playstation backlog ported onto PC are also all great cinematic games: Horizon, God of War, Unchartered.
I have played Prey many times, one of the all time greats. I guess something with a 1st person perspective would be preferred. I am playing Doom Eternal but this is just for a quick blast to turn off brain. Was looking for something slightly more challenging.
Yes, it is. It'd be helpful if you listed your preferences in the OP, then we wouldn't waste time suggesting stuff you don't like.
Whilst you're waiting for a "proper" suggestion (I'm a bit behind current trends ) and assuming you're looking at those three criteria separately, might I offer (since Alien has already been mooted): Deathwing/Boltgun (might be a niche interest) or FEAR (reckon you've done this one)? Redout (decent enough WipEout clone that can be bagged for cheap - think it might have been free on Epic once so might even be hiding in your library)? The Amnesia/Outlast/Evil Within bunch? I will however keep my eyes out for a first-person horror game where you stealthily race away from danger...
Bolt Gun BOLT GUN BOLT GUN Ok, I'm biased because one of the devs is a guy who digs bike trails with me. But it's basically Brutal Doom with a 40K skin, so if you like Brutal Doom...
Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 has just dropped and the changes sort out almost all of the issues with the launch version. Worth a go if you've never dipped a toe in. Very enjoyable. It'll tick first person, car driving and stealth all in one go!