Admits the 'bin' was a mistake.
My initial thoughts when I saw the Mac Pro was 'I'm not convinced it won't cook itself' [amongst other things]. Seems I was right.
Come on Apple, just give us a Mac Pro based on 'nearly PC' architecture. A CPU socket, some RAM slots, M.2, SATA & USB C. Throw it in a case, I don't care what shape, colour or material. Just allow me to swap out the bits of a pro rig that should be upgradable. So no I don't want the GPU, CPU or RAM soldered to the mobo. Or the smegging SSD! And no, I don't want you to use mobile components or to underclock anything so you can make the whole bloody thing 2mm thinner. Give it some airflow, use all that clever 'Oh aint it small' tech to improve it, not to cripple it! And no, we don't want a custom Apple only connector for ANYTHING. We never liked the ADB & ADC and while we understood the need for a 30pin connector sticking with lightening when USB C is around is bonkers.
They should've just fixed the PSU problems of the old tower Mac Pro. I know it's a year+ away but anyone care to guess just how spectacularly Apple miss the point with the new Mac Pro... or even the iMac Pro i've heard is on its way.
You can already get all of this - it's called a Hackintosh As a bonus, you can also run Windows as a dual boot. The downside is that it's not as stable as a real Mac, and system updates often break your carefully configured system. So, if Apple were to offer a completely customisable, close to PC architecture, Mac in the near future (without the Apple tax) I'd totally buy one. So, yes, I fully agree with your points. However, knowing Apple, and their love of proprietary hardware, this is never going to happen.