News Apple pulls faulty iOS 8.0.1 update

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 25 Sep 2014.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    Is this the "Wave" battery charging function? :lol:

  3. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    Apple has really slid downhill, fast. Their customer service used to be fantastic, it was the reason why I suggested their laptops to less tech savvy friends/family. But now they're abominable. My brother picked up a MacBook Pro for his architecture course at uni, he's studying in the States so needed something portable. Well, somehow he developed a firmware lock problem, it took 5 weeks just to get a bloody appointment, where they didn't even fix it. 5 weeks! He had to pack up and go back to the US before it could be fixed, now he's facing the same problem over there.

    It used to be wonder in and talk to a "Genius". Now it's stalk their booking site and hope for a suitable appointment. They've put so much emphasis on their mobile side, that they have no staff who can deal with iMac and MacBook problems, you just can't book anybody for weeks.

    As for IOS, they're changing things for the sake of change, and that is bad. I could put up with the new UI changes last time, sure they weren't as nice IMO as before, but it was somewhat refreshing. The thing is, functionality didn't really change. It did introduce a really annoying problem though where the screen doesn't automatically begin in the right orientation. You'd think that's a tiny thing, but if you're using safari or chrome and reading something in landscape, it won't come back to landscape when flicking between apps. Instead it freezes for a few seconds, and then eventually rotates, but only after a tilt/shake.

    IOS8 basically hasn't brought any improvements to my end. Sure maybe it's all geared for developers, but frankly I'm sick of apps. I have all the ones I need now.

    I only stuck with Apple and IOS for a few reasons. First was that I had used iTunes for a while, so have a decent amount of content on it. The second is that I thought the devices were beautiful. At the time, other phones didn't look anywhere near as cool as the iPhone 3GS and especially not the 4, the 5 wasn't a huge change but it still felt more premium than other options IMO. The 6 is just boring. I went into a Carphone Warehouse yesterday and almost couldn't find the thing. EVERY RUDDY PHONE LOOKS THE SAME NOW. They're all big rectangles with big screens and metal backs. The specs are all effectively the same and they do the same things. Sure one might have 13MP and another 25mp, but it's meaningless as the cameras are all crap anyway. The final reason is that I could get them cheaply via a company contract.

    My two year contact is now up and I'm due an upgrade. But for the first time, I don't really care. The camera is good enough, the GPS is good enough, the screen is good enough, the size is just right, the design is still good. The only thing I could do with now is more battery length.

    I wonder how long this stagnation will continue for? Project Ara looks interesting, and Glass does too, but will either concept truly take off like the iPhone or iPad did?
  4. meandmymouth

    meandmymouth Multimodder

    15 Sep 2009
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    This problem isn't limited to the new iPhones. My boss has the 5S and he had the same issues. Couldn't send texts, can't receive calls. Even after a full reinstall of iOS8 from iTunes it still doesn't work.
  5. Thaifood

    Thaifood Minimodder

    24 Apr 2009
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    oh dear apple oh dear..
  6. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Only Apple stories that get put on bit tech show them in a bad way is kinda funny. ( page hits are us) are we likely to see a iphone 6 or note 4 review outta curiosity.

    I read someplace think it was trusted reviews that they had hit 10mil pre orders in 2 days which is crazy for a phone as some phones won't see 10million in lifetime sales.
  7. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    Everyone I know with the new iPhone absolutely loves it.

    If only they knew...
  8. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    If you took the time to actually read the stuff there in front of you, rollo, I wouldn't be able to prove you wrong so easily.

    Fact Number The First: I decide what I write up as news, nobody else. Fact Number The Second: I am paid a monthly retainer for my work, and receive no incentives or bonuses based on page views or unique visits. Fact Number The Third: I have zero access to whatever analytic platforms bit-tech uses, so don't even know how many page views or uniques a given piece gets. The closest I get to that is looking at the number of hits the forum thread gets, which is naturally a fraction of true page views - and indicates only what was of interest to forum dwellers, not visitors in general.

    Fact Number The Last: 'Only Apple stories that get put on bit tech show them in a bad way is kinda funny' is not only gibberish, but if I'm interpreting it correctly ("bit-tech deliberately posts only bad news about Apple") is demonstrably untrue. Have a look at the Related Articles box-out to the right of this very news story:

    Apple patents multi-function solar laptop casing - positive coverage
    Western Digital warns of OS X Mavericks data loss - negative coverage
    Apple iPad Air and new Retina iPad mini unveiled - positive coverage
    Apple reveals new MacBook Pro, prices new Mac Pro - positive coverage
    Apple teases new Mac Pro, with stunning new design - positive coverage
    Newell: Apple is biggest threat to living room - negative positive coverage

    That's six stories, two one of which are is negative (one the other of which is, I would say, more negative towards Western Digital than Apple per se) and four five of which are positive.

    EDIT: I thought from the headline that the Newell piece was negative, but it turns out he's actually saying nice things about Apple. So, that's one negative to five positives.

    I await your retraction with bated breath. Well, not really, but y'know. Ya-boo to you.
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2014
    RedFlames likes this.
  9. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    HAHAHAHAHAHA, same here. I'm just biding my time...:worried:
  10. mat0tam

    mat0tam Mr I Dont Know What I Want

    1 Sep 2011
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    I jumped ship to the Apple (iPhone 5) 18 months ago and have 1 main chain of thought...

    I pay slightly more for it to WORK. Mine works so I am happy.

    If it didnt WORK and I was paying more; it would be "abandon the iPhone ship" straight away.

    Sounds like Apple need to pull their finger out.
  11. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    That's just it. As a non-Apple customer, I hugely respect Apple for what they have achieved in the past half-decade or so. The original iPhone was my favourite posession in the world for a while.

    But for a company which has built its reputation and huge fanbase on the "it just works" ethos, for them to be making mistakes like poor reception, bending phones and bricking software is just baffling.

    Poor old Steve will be tunnelling deep into the earth's mantle with the amount of grave-spinning he must be doing :(
  12. mat0tam

    mat0tam Mr I Dont Know What I Want

    1 Sep 2011
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    This. I Like. Alot
  13. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    **Grabs some popcorn, and awaits rollo's non-reply**

  14. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    My Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8 runs fine. :)

    There are a few annoyances: the calendar won't retain data from more than three weeks back, irrespective of sync settings. XBox Music is a bit pants. So is the maps app, but you can get a decent replacement that taps into Google Maps API. Office doesn't allow you to zoom out sufficiently. And... that's it, really. WP8 brought a lot of refinements. And I love the Live Tiles.

    Still, if Google Ara comes off, I may have a look. I really like what has been done with Android Materials GUI.
  15. raxonb

    raxonb Minimodder

    5 May 2009
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    I wonder if the 8.0.2 patch will stop the phone from bending as well?
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Exactly this. I've never felt more let down by a product line, because it is the product which started this whole smartphone revolution, and that shouldn't be with Apple. Ever since the iP4 they've had problems; coming from someone who's repaired so many iPhones that I can almost tear apart and reassemble a 4 or 4S blindfolded like a well trained soldier would his rifle, I think the 3GS was the last iPhone which "just worked" and wasn't plagued with issues like poor reception, antenna problems, software bugs etc. Sadly, for the first time in the history of the iPhone, I'm in the position to say I'm glad I wasn't an early adopter of the latest handset and software, and I'm 99.9% sure that I'm moving platform now.
  17. MrJay

    MrJay You are always where you want to be

    20 Sep 2008
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    I'm currently rocking a Nokia 205 for work (£25 second hand with PAYG SIM)

    And a Nokia 520 (£45 second hand win a PAYG SIM).

    Why the **** anyone needs a £600 phone is beyond me.

    Apple are good at generating need for a product that know one actually needs!
  18. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Just makes you realise how good a leader and visionary Steve Jobs was. When he died, so did Apple IMO. Now, the company is just coasting on past glory. It's a double tragedy. :sigh:

    Right there with you. Got a second-hand pristine Lumia 920 last year for £200,-- with a £20,-- a month 1Gb data SIM. I do not intend to upgrade again until the thing falls apart on me --it's everything I need, nothing I don't.
    Last edited: 25 Sep 2014
  19. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    I won't comment on the Nokia 205 as it's clearly not good for much other than calls.

    The thing is, phones in that price bracket always existed? People treat Apple as if they made the phone a fashion statement and that they were the first to introduce a pricey handset. Tosh, Nokia did it for years, phones have been fashionable ever since they became small enough to put in a pocket. If you look back, the pricing is no different.

    As for need though, you're probably right. Phones have outstripped almost everybody's current needs, which is why we have a stagnant market. It's exactly like how it was just before the iPhone released. Everybody just chucking bigger and better stuff into the same package. Suddenly Apple came in and changed the game. The camera wasn't good, the internet was slow and it was expensive. But it looked good and worked well for emails and web browsing over wifi, plus the screen actually worked. Prior to the iPhone, touchscreen phones were rubbish, simply put. Too much input lag and stupidly unfriendly interfaces. Apple changed that, and then fixed up the other areas that were lacking down the road. Suddenly everybody needed the same input method, the same styling, the same software.

    We're now at a point where a new player needs to introduce something that will revolutionise the market again. If this doesn't happen, there'll be dire consequences for the mobile market, mark my words. Just like how laptops got stuck, and office PCs.
  20. MrJay

    MrJay You are always where you want to be

    20 Sep 2008
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    I think you are spot on Maki, its the natural ebb and flow of things rising into and falling out of favour with the general population.

    As for the 205 QWERTY keyboard, impossibly slow data and Facebook and Twitter Java apps...what's not to love : P

    Seriously though, I've got a stonking battery in mine, lasts for the entire work week!

    Anyone else seen the iBone 6+ bend videos?

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