+1 for Heroin Was thinking exactly the same when I read the original post... Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
Happy belated birthday My 18th happened to be on the weekend I was coming up to Durham for an "interview" (it was actually just a maths test). Instead of me getting a train all the way, my parents took me up to Peterborough and my mum cooked pasta using boiling water from flasks in a park half way It wasn't a "usual" 18th but it is certainly memorable and a bit different.
To much hassle to be honest. Because once you have friends, then they always want to "do" something; spending time together and what-not. I just don't see the cost-to-benefit ratio being in my favor.
Thats a really depressing outlook, no offence Why not try to find people that enjoying doing the same things as you, and then do them together?
I was joking But my main problem is that most of what I enjoy doing is rather solitary: bicycling (very few people can keep up to me, or ride the variety I do), gaming, keeping fish. Though I do have a paintball gun I've never used (no vehicle to get out to the fields), and my RC trucks are just sitting here doing nothing (again, no way to get to the tracks, not that the style of racing I enjoy is even available here in edmonton). Don't get me wrong, I fully understand and accept why I do not have any friends, but I am generally too lazy to care or do anything about it! Seriously, it doesn't bother me.
I'm not going to justify myself to your broad demeaning statement of my riding skill. I get rather board on group rides (I've been on a few, and even lead a few), as well as ridden with a few professional teams (couple years back a few people from team canada were training in the city, and I got to ride with them for a while). I think this thread has run it's course, maybe time for a closure before it goes even further off topic?
so, did you end up doing anything? i know how you feel, i'm a pretty solitary person, never been into partying or bars or anything like that. and my hobbies are biking, xc-skiing, and computering. basically loner activities, though biking with other people can be fun no matter their skill level. just go f*ck around for a while, although like you i prefer to ride alone most of the time. birthdays used to be awkward for me, people were always asking what i was going to do, or what i did. i went out once, some people threw a party for me one year, but i never really wanted to do anything. last year i finally accepted that i wasn't a party person, and that a birthday was just another day. i called my grandparents so they could wish me happy birthday (they won't call on a birthday or holiday, but get offended if i don't call them on my birthday ), and my parents called, but other than that it was just like any other day. no big deal, and it was one of my best birthdays since i stopped being 7yo and having parent-arranged parties because i didn't think about what i "should" have been doing and just did what i wanted to - nothing. my parents have some home video of me at my fourth birthday party sitting in the living room with a bunch of other kids, and all of a sudden i stand up and say "i wish all these friends would go home so i can play with my new toys". They all laugh about it like 'oh, what a funny kid thing to say', but it's still pretty true.
Happy (Late) Birthday im spending my birthday this year re building my office at home i love the feeling of a nicely wired home office and with about three new desks arriving i should have plenty of room i may also take my fiance skiing at chillfactor e in manchester but in regards to your problem how do you feel when your sitting at home on your own? if your genuinely happy then good for you, if you pretend that your happy (which it what it sounds like) but are actually pretty bored do something about it.
Don't fret man, I didn't do a darn thing for my 21st Bday. Go out and blow 20 bucks on something (I know it's not much but it works) you'll feel better. (preferably not heroin though )