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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Douche indeed.

    After a few games this past weekend, I am LOVING ARAM for the "random" bit. Sometimes, you're forced to play a champ you have no idea how to play.
    I feel it's actually making me a better player, since I understand more champs better and learn their weaknesses. I also learn more "generic" builds.

    I also learn about mistakes that people make, mistakes I make, and such. It does make me stronger in 5v5.

    Another champ I hated playing: Kassadin. I get AP casters in general, but Kass falls into the same category as Annie for me: short range AP casters that need super high AP stacks to do serious damage, and at the same time need to get real close and personal. I suppose the difference is that Kass has an escape, where Annie gets almost Bruiser-y.
    Funnily enough, while I suck at him, I enjoy Ryze. That's mainly because he stacks with Mana as well, so every item you buy makes him not just tougher, but also harder hitting.

    One champ I (surprisingly) LOVED playing is Ahri. Her ability to carry (and quickly snowball) through a pumped Q is madness. Her E traps and isolates beautifully, and her W is not just a great farm, but also great when she's running. I struggled a bit in getting to grips with her ult, but managed to triple kill with the combination.

    Methinks Ahri may become my next "play this one" champ.
  2. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Almost had my first pentakill today, playing as Annie.
    I was in a major teamfight, and I did amazing damage with my Q :p
    I was in a double kill, but I did my ulti a bit too early (had massive AP, so the burst when tibbers appears does about 900 damage :p), resulting in 2 champs with about 100hp left. In came MF with make it rain... I then killed another champ resulting in a triple :p
    So close... D:
  3. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    After chatting with a mate yesterday (who kicks my ass at LOL, even though he hasn't played in about a year), I have come to the conclusion that some champs are BROKEN in ARAM:

    Yi - normally i'd counter Yi early game, and then have level advantage over him. Not so much in ARAM, since he can get better items and 3 abilities off the bat. That means he pokes well, and if timed right goes +3 kills very quickly.

    Ahri/Blitzcrank - though they're not similar, it's their pull that makes them nasty. The ability to isolate a single champ and kill that champ. Also, the "AoE" (well - kinda) killing they can do, - Blitz with his ult and Ahri with her Q+W burst combo - makes them quite broken.

    Jarvan - In ARAM, there's lots of champs in confined spaces. A well placed J4 ult there locks down most of the enemy team in front of a turret, and allows every team member to just unload in that area. A true Kill-hole.

    Sona - Her big stun and multi target hit makes her pick up kills like mad in ARAM. ESPECIALLY since she hangs back normally, and comes to collect when the fight is all but over...
  4. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    yi has always been broken in ARAM, but he can be beaten with certain comps. if you can easily disrupt his meditate, he's np

    with the number of champs who can jump out of jarvan's ult, he's not really OP. he's strong though just because he's an AD bruiser

    the strongest champs in ARAM are sona, alistar, soraka, janna for their group heals and CC
  5. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    The thing about Yi is only partially the heal, though. The bigger problem is that if the player times it right, he can pick up 2-3 kills at a time, and snowball like a bit of a boss.

    As for J4's ult in ARAM - you're right, it's not super OP. It's just a super mean setup for organised teams. Generally: J4 ult, Veigar cage, and every AP and ADC just unloads.
  6. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    What champion would you all recommend a level 10 summoner? I have 4.3k IP atm :)
  7. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    that depends, mate... what do you like playing?
    Annie falls into a category I'd call "AP Bruiser", if there is such a thing. Similar champs are Ryze and Kassadin.

    If you want to go into ADC territory, the easiest are probably Ashe and Caitlyn, with Ez being BRILLIANT if played well, and Graves being more "Up close" and "Bruisy". Miss Fortune is the Go-To ADC nowadays for most people. Her ult kills people in team fights.

    A laid back and dangerous champ is Teemo (one of my favourites). ESPECIALLY played as an AP-nuke with Hurricane as a finishing item.

    Kayle is a strange hyprid with a really whack laning phase. Once she got a few levels in, she can become quite broken, though.

    In terms of Tankier champs, Mordekaiser is always fun, as is Garen.

    I personally enjoyed playing Ahri recently, but take note that 3 of her abilities are skill shots.
  8. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Ahri is the most broken of them all due to charm, skill shots they maybe but if charm hits your target will die.

    Plenty of late game adcs vayne is one of the better ones, miss fortune with a decent team comp is devastating. All depends on your teams comp really, if we are aoe stun heavy I'd always go mf has adc due to her ult.

    Amumu thresh ult combo dropped on top of by zyke and mf is game over. Add in one of the more dangerous junglers like jarvin and you can not lose team fight.

    If you don't have good team fight vayne can carry hard late game as can others. Ahri vayne best 2 champs in that price bracket as adc or mid. For learning the game.

    Ashe is easiest adc to play, Annie is easiest mid. Taric is also pretty easy support all 3 are good starter champs.

    Annie has huge burst potential, Ashe can't really lose her lane, while taric has heal and alot of armour.

    Caitlyn is also a easy champ if you learn her range she struggles to scale late game though once everyone's full build she is one of the weaker adc carry.
  9. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    I've generally enjoyed playing MF (free to play a few weeks ago), Jax, Garen, Tryndamere and Annie :)
    Thing is I also want some challenge, and I found Annie, Ashe and Garen really easy :p
  10. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Against players there's not really a easy champ, against bots virtually any combo will win.
  11. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Yeah you're right. I'm really enjoying mid atm, though at my level lots of people seem to think mid is a duo lane, or even triple :p
  12. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    So I got 5 Helpful points

    That went fast :p
  13. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I don't remember the last time I got rep or repped anyone... there was a phase where rep was literally lying around, and all you had to do was say "WP" at the end of a game to get repped.

    I normally rep any especially hard-playing opponents (ESPECIALLY when they're playing against the odds), and friendly teammates.
  14. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    ^^ strange thing is, I got it after I raged on a teammate who went mid while I said I was going there in the chat with champion pick in. After 10 minutes of friendly asking I got pretty irritated :p
  15. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    hahaha. It's kinda like the "honourable opponent" badge... it's essentially like this: Feed the enemy team, they'll honour you.

    Most fun thing I had happen recently was playing Teemo in ARAM (don't you love it when your main comes up there - in my case Teemo, even after they took Malady from the game). After a slowish start, picking up a few assists, the game quickly snowballed me into a "godlike" spree, being able to nuke down most opponents. In a typical Teemo fashion, probably half of those kills were "stolen" (I prefer to call them ambitious assists), but it was fun.
  16. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Yeah, you're right :p
    I plan to have this ribbon stay though :p

    I've just refunded Jax. Bought him from the 400RP you get at a certain level. I never used him anymore, and Olaf was on sale for 395RP.
    I knew what to do :D
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    WHAT? You got RP at some point? DAFUQ!!!! I never got RP. Damn Riot...
  18. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Yup 400RP at level 5 if I recall correctly :)
  19. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    WHAT!!! That's no fair!!! :'(

    I had to pay for every bit of RP I ever used (not much, TBH)
  20. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    I'm buying Brolaf soon though :p

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