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Cameron 'plans all-women lists'

Discussion in 'Serious' started by adam_bagpuss, 20 Oct 2009.

  1. Rum&Coke

    Rum&Coke What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2007
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    I can't believe I wasn't the first person for argue for "POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION" on bit tech now a days, GETTING PRETTY LIBERAL NOW AREN'T WE!

    Anyway if you can't figure out why "POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION" is morally the right thing to do and realise that the playing field of society is heavily tilted towards "WHITE MALE" then **** you
  2. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    I'd like to see you spend 10 hours squeezing a football out of your penis.

    I certainly wouldn't mind some extra time to spend with a new child. After all, it's quite a big adjustment when a baby is introduced into the household: your daily routine goes out the window. I got 3 days, and only because I had vacation time saved up.

    I also understand why women get the time they do. Despite delivering one of the greatest gifts ever, pregnancy is just about one of the worst things a woman can physically (and psychologically) do to her body. It takes a long time for hormones to re-balance and for the pelvis to reset - not to mention all the other physical and emotional changes involved in pregnancy and labor.

    Men? Well, we just have to stand there and say comforting things during child birth. Of course, the visuals are enough to cause emotional trauma!

    walle likes this.
  3. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    But men get man-flu. That is far worse than any pregnancy.
  4. walle

    walle Modder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Women should have more days with their children, not less!!

    ...and will full pay.

  5. Jumeira_Johnny

    Jumeira_Johnny 16032 - High plains drifter

    13 Nov 2004
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    If you remember that, then you remember that the candidate pool was overwhelmingly white men, well educated, and of the opinion that women shouldn't be at work. There never has been a time when all that counted was experience and qualification. That's just plain naive.
  6. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    I dont know how it works in the states but at my work a woman can take 6 months maternity leave on full pay and another 6 on half pay. Men get a week full pay, a week half pay.

    Aside from the physical stresses its more the support during the steep learning curve of looking after a baby that i think a man should have the option to be there to help with.
  7. walle

    walle Modder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Someone be racist not liking white males who be well educated and thus wish to discriminate them and at the same time keep women away from their children by forcing them to work.

    That's just plain evil.
    Last edited: 23 Oct 2009
  8. adam_bagpuss

    adam_bagpuss Have you tried turning it off/on ?

    24 Apr 2009
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    you cant use the actions and laws of the past to justify actions and policies of today.

    Discrimination is discrimination be it positive or negative
  9. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Here in the states we pretty much get the shaft (what else is new). Women get a very short maternity leave, and individual companies can set up their own leave allowances.

    The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 offers legal protection of your job for 12 weeks for certain types of medical -or family-related leave. However, none of that is paid leave, so those 12 weeks can be tight if the family is used to having 2 paychecks. As with all laws, there's a catch - FMLA has certain restrictions based on company size and length of employment.

    Fortunately, we were able to play with the laws a bit. My wife's company determined that she was temporarily disabled, so she received 6 weeks of paid leave (at 60% pay) through short-term disability benefits. Her company offered another 6 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave, but she only took 2 weeks.

    Of course, if you ask conservatives, it's the gays and video games that are destroying the romantic fabric of the American Family®.

    Last edited: 23 Oct 2009
  10. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Positive discrimination is a crap strategy to address the problem but at least it acknowledges that there is a problem to be addressed.

    Think of how the US ended racial segregation. This was not achieved by reasoned debate or a natural shift in socio-political culture: it had to be imposed, by law, from above. It was not meant to change the thinking of that generation; it was meant to shape the concepts and values of the generations coming after it. Positive discrimination is aimed at breaking down the bastions of prejudice and to give a break to the disenfranchised. Once that has happened, the new status quo becomes normalised. Once normalised, there is no discrimination at all, positive or negative, because there is no perceived difference.
  11. Rum&Coke

    Rum&Coke What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2007
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    those actions and laws of the past have had very current effects, namely that the white male has a higher likelyhood of GETTING that education. To address this minorities that are qualified and have been disadvantaged by the white male's disenfranchisement should be considered for the job more than a regular over-privileged white dude
  12. walle

    walle Modder

    5 Jul 2006
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    There's no such thing as positive discrimination. It's an oxymoron, a contradiction, giving it a positive connotation makes no sense.

    I share your sentiment that discrimination is discrimination of course; I just give it a negative connotation.
  13. dave_c

    dave_c Minimodder

    31 Jul 2009
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    here here
  14. dave_c

    dave_c Minimodder

    31 Jul 2009
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    Rant begins

    no, thats idealist, not naive, besides all we are seeing now is the rubber band effect its gone for a while with males being "superior" (please not the "" marks) and now women are getting their own back.

    just watch TV bet you cant sit through one 3 minute section of advertising without seeing an Ad that says men are stupid in some way or another.

    the same applies to everything else, my sister offered an Indian friend of hers a black pen when she was in school and she got suspended for 2 weeks for it.

    anyway i would far rather live in a country where the majority of employed people are white, english, healthy males of ages between 18-35 rather than:

    disabled, JUST because theyr disabled and it would be discrimination not to take SOME on
    female, JUST because theyr female and it would be sexist to take a man on with better qualifications - i have witnessed this first hand
    elderly, JUST because they have rights too,
    foreign, JUST because of the EU says so
    of an ethnic origin, JUST so that you have a diverse work force

    dont get me wrong, im disabled myself but i WONT use that fact to get myself a job, NEVER.

    it is far more insulting to me to be told "if you have a disability we guarantee you an interview"

    and for the country not being equal before, it was, just not in modern standards.

    women were home keepers - women were, for the most part, content with this.
    men were bread winners - they knew thair job and they got on with it.

    its not discrimination it nature, things seek equilibrium. and ill tell you what mate, if it were still like that now, we wouldn't be having allot of the problems we are having in the UK at least.

    Rant over
  15. Jumeira_Johnny

    Jumeira_Johnny 16032 - High plains drifter

    13 Nov 2004
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    Oh dear god. Did you get frozen in the 1800's and just now thaw? Or do you not have a clue about what has changed in the last 60-100 years? Try this: Ask any woman in your life (sister, mother, aunt, grandmother) if they would prefer their status revert back to 1940. Or 1920. Or 1890. Ask them if they like that idea.

    Heads up, mate, they weren't content. That's why they have been working the last 100 years for equality. They still don't have it, and are still working. And they won't stop until attitudes like yours have gone the way of the dodo.

    That you are afraid of woman's equality speak volumes about your masculinity. I, for one, rather like having a wife that is my equal with the ability and drive to match my own.
  16. Scirocco

    Scirocco Boobs, I have them, you lose.

    3 Jul 2007
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    Well said, JJ, I was thinking similarly.
  17. dave_c

    dave_c Minimodder

    31 Jul 2009
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    ok this is gonna be my last comment on this subject as i think comments are getting too personal

    i dont recall saying that i didn't like equality, what i said was i don't like, if you will "over" equality, taking someone on just because they are a minority group.

    and yes women were content i base this on a great grand mother, grand mother, mothers and aunts experience, all of whom were extremely successful women, but saw that they were better needed else where.

    and as for reverting to the 1940s im sure most of them would love to

    the problem is you are working under the assumption that being a home maker means that your not working. not true. In fact i think being a home maker is probably one of the harder jobs out there.

    and as it happens my fiance is far more successful than i am, i have nothing against ambitious women, i have issue with an employer who employs a women because she is female, and not a male who is better qualified

    in addition I think it is stupid to say that you dont want to live in a country where the majority gets the majority of jobs (the majory happens to be white males)
  18. walle

    walle Modder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Feminism 101

    Let's see, it has devastated women, children and men alike, broken up families and created more alcoholism and abuse than anything else on the planet, so much destruction that it boggles the mind really. It's unfortunate that so many seem unable to wrap their minds around this inconvenient truth, and until people themselves reach this conclusion it will naturally keep reaping its victims since society promotes it, and if those who recognizes the problem voicing it, let's see, what was it again? Oh, that's right, have gone the way of the dodo, it will be allowed to freely roam without any interference until the devastation is total. The healthy family construct has been close to annihilated by now, and I happen to disagree with that being any sort of progress!

    You and others may disagree.

    Yours truly.
    The manchauvinistic village idiot.

    And now onto the thread where war is peace and discrimination is positive and surveillance is freedom...

    Sometimes one just wants to wretch.
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2009
  19. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    to be honest this is about women wanting to be equal to men when they could be better.

    That shows a lack of ambition to me.

    Which is why men are better.

    but I'll be fair and look at it from a womens point of view however looking at the problem out of the kitchen window doesn't change the answer.
  20. NethLyn

    NethLyn Minimodder

    24 Apr 2009
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    I'll jump in on that point, as a black person I am personally ****ing fed up of every white lefty liberal thinking I need their help to get a job or do anything else for myself in this country. That Ethnicity form is box-ticking ******** and doesn't help me one bit, in fact it only helps racists believe that I just parachuted into a job because of my colour instead of having had the experience and being the best candidate. It's telling that I got more interviews using the "Refuse to Say" box, leaving race out and basing it purely on my CV.

    There are plenty of people who have been discriminated against, my mother included in the NHS. However there are just as many now who think they can cry ____ism or ____phobia to get what they want and stuff the next person that might go through real prejudice as long as they get some money - and when I say real prejudice I mean the level of dog crap on your doorstep/through your letterbox, car windows getting smashed or physical attack. Every time some prat brings up the Black Police Association, they conveniently leave out the fact that the heads were Asian. So not black then. In other words, black people themselves were lazy enough in that organisation to let a different minority use them for their own career advancement and it turned out that at least one of those Asians was corrupt and the Met wouldn't deal with them, since it was a convenient fringe benefit to let that Association become tarnished.

    There never seems to be a sense of responsibility any more. If you're black and you were too lazy to work in school, stuff you it's your fault that you've got a **** job and your responsibility to get yourself out of it, specially now with the economy the way it is. But no, some idiot lefty politician will keep throwing money at these rejects especially if they decided to commit crime. Then again, that goes back more to shite parenting than just getting a job, so I'll leave my own rant there.

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