It is crucial for me to have a static ip addresses on the list of my devices. I travel a lot with work and sometimes hotels/apartments could not provide me access to their routers to reserve IP addresses for my devices. So i decided to buy a router that can receive any IP address provided by DHCP from an external network, then reserves a list of static IP addresses for my devices and provides internet for these devices. Again, I don't have any access to the external router. I can only enter the login and password from the external WI-FI network that were provided by the hotel reception/apartment owner. Example of schema you can find in the attachment. Required Network Shema (Please advise me router that can do the functionality of ROUTER "Y") As I know, most of the routers do not have such functionality as receiving internet (INCOME from an external network) via WI-FI. Another part of the routers requires static IP for Router. Can you advise me a router (ROUTER "Y" on the shama) that can resolve my issue and do this simple functionality? I will be very grateful if you could also provide details of the configuration) I would like a router that justifies the price = quality parameter. I don't need super powerful hardware as I don't plan to build huge networks with it. Exclusively for own use and meet basic needs. Thank you in advance!
Not sure if this is spam, but here is the solution... TL-WR902AC | AC750 Wireless Travel Router | TP-Link Canada
Yeah, apologies to OP if it's not. It's getting harder to tell, I'm starting to think I may be a ChatAI (I realise I'm being generous to myself by including the 'I')
I can only recognize the bots with a shady link selling Viagra with a .ru on the end. I must be getting old.