canon a75...good idea or not?

Discussion in 'Photography, Art & Design' started by felix the cat, 12 Aug 2004.

  1. felix the cat

    felix the cat Spaceman Spiff

    11 Jan 2002
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    now that i have moved out of home, getting acess to a digi cam is hard(er) hence im thinking of getting one myself...well i have wanted to for ages, but the body i want to get is a bit too expensive, so to cut a long story short, until money falls from the sky, or i actually earn enough, would something like a canon A75 tie me through? i know its not thaat good, but it will do for snapping away, and taking pics for ebay, and i can still use my real camera (eos5) for real photos...

    and at about 170something it looks like a fairly cheap way of getting a digi cam...any thoughts/hints are appreciated....
  2. Hwulex

    Hwulex Minimodder

    1 Feb 2002
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    Quite similar, feature-wise, to the Ixius 430 I just bought. I am absolutely impressed with this camera so far. I too, like yourself, am saving 'till I can afford more (10D) so bought this as an 'always on me' cam that I will still use in those situations even when I get the 10D, where a dSLR isn't appropriate or too cumbersome.

    The only thing that would put me off the A75 is the size, mainly the battery-bulge, and the fact of using standard batteries. Li-Ions all the way. Saying that, with 4x2500mAh you'll get longer than my Li-Ion.

    The 430, if you'd rather the petite-ness, and can stretch the budget, can be had for £235 from Amazon. If your'e fussy about more manual control over the images, look at the S60.

    If you want extra CF memory, have a look at Good prices (2x256 Sandisk Ultra IIs for £85. £75 each in most other places) and excellent service to boot.

    Few randoms form my Ixus 430 this past week:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    The focus isn't that great on some of them (flies in particular) because I had AiAF turned on, and so missed the focal point I wanted. That has since been amended. ;)
  3. felix the cat

    felix the cat Spaceman Spiff

    11 Jan 2002
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    nice one mate...some good shots there aswell...i was originally looking at the ixus series anyway, as i have always wanted a small camera that can take a bit of a beating, and after i saw a mates ixus III still in full working order after a couple of years of extensive taking it everywhere, especially gigs n festivals...they are bloody hard (robust?!?) for a camera i guess...does the 430 have an all metal case?

    ...better start saving some pennies methinks... :eyebrow:
  4. DaSuperFly

    DaSuperFly What's a Dremel?

    19 Apr 2002
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    I wholeheartedly recommend the Pentax Optio S, 3 megapixels in a very small case with 3X zoom!
    If you want I can try and take a picture of something for an example picture but once you feel the milled aluminium front you'll fall in love with it!
  5. Hwulex

    Hwulex Minimodder

    1 Feb 2002
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    I was set on getting the Pentax Option S4i, but after extensive reading and investigation, I just knew that it wouldn't provide me with the picture quality that I wanted. For such a small camera, it's truely amazing, but for the slight increase in size the 430 was a better option for me personally. Also, the Ixus, over the Optio, has an AF assist lamp which is a must for low light focussing. The 430's cheaper, and takes the cheaper CF memory as well. Movie mode isn't up the Optio, but no worry for me.

    The Ixus is a completely metal housing, yes, and feels very solid to use. My brother has had one of the original Ixus compact APS cameras (two in the family altogether) and they're still going strong 5 years or so later. Excellent cameras, and you know that you're getting the quality with Canon as well.

    I almost got the Ixus 500, but after reading a lot, decided there was no point. You get higher MP, but on the same size sensor, so you get more noise at higher ISOs. Flash is better, but not bothered about that. If you're tempted, don't bother. Go for the 430 and use the extra to get some decent CF cards. :D
  6. eddie_dane

    eddie_dane Used to mod pc's now I mod houses

    31 Jan 2002
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    I have the A70 (the A75 came out about two months after I bought it dammit) and I love it. This is the second Canon digicam I have had, my first one was the A60. Photogs won't like a lot of the automatic features but once you get the hang of it you can take some really nice pics. For point and shoot snapping, they really improved the speed and quality at which it determines the correct settings. For rambling around with friends and stuff, the battery life is exceptional as well. I think the Canon A-series cameras are some of the best for the money in my experience.
  7. felix the cat

    felix the cat Spaceman Spiff

    11 Jan 2002
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    ta eddie, could i ask you for a huge favour...would you mind posting/emailing a pic so i could compare it to the ixus (hwulex's ixus anyway) just so i know wether i have to save more or if the A75 will be plentifull...cheers for all the help...
  8. eddie_dane

    eddie_dane Used to mod pc's now I mod houses

    31 Jan 2002
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    you want me to take a pic with the A70? (because the A60 is deadsky) if so, give me a preference of what you would like subject matter wise and I will try to sort something out.
  9. felix the cat

    felix the cat Spaceman Spiff

    11 Jan 2002
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    dont really mind what the subject matter is....its basically so i can compare it to hwulexs pics taken with the ixus, such that i can make a decision whether its worth saving up for the ixus or if the A75 will do fine...if that makes sense....
  10. jetsetjimbo

    jetsetjimbo Up-up and away

    19 Feb 2003
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    Check this site out:

    That guy really knows his cameras, comprehensive reviews of pretty much any camera you could want. Loads of high res sample shots as well.

    The new Sony Z1 looks really nice but is about £250 online - 5 megapixel, three times optical zoom without any extending external lense and a massive 2.5" screen.

    My mate has a Optio S which is very good too.
  11. Hiren

    Hiren mind control Moderator

    15 May 2002
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    Just to throw in my 2 pence I recently brought the Nikon Coolpix 3700 and have to say it rocks for a sub compact camera. Only 3.2mp but the quality is amazing currently going for £170ish on
  12. Hwulex

    Hwulex Minimodder

    1 Feb 2002
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    Yeah, good site. Linked to by (oooh, just checked and big site overhaul since last week, good work. :D).

    OF course has to have a mention, although not so many reviews on there as they're so long and extensive. Forums are excellent though.

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