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Censorship on Bit-Tech? Surely not? Please someone confirm or debunk this for me?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by greypilgers, 21 Oct 2011.

  1. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    I posted yesterday afternoon about being dissatisfied with the recent introduction on Bit-Tech of video adverts that automatically play every time you visit, and asked for suggestions of an ad blocking programs to stop these adverts from interfering with my experience on Bit-Tech. I pointed out I didn't have a problem with the static adverts, or video adverts that play if you highlight them. A couple of suggestions were made to prevent these videos from playing, and this morning when I look to check the thread again it has disappeared.

    Is this a censorship from bit-tech, deciding that expressing dissatisfaction at a certain method of advertising should be excluded from their forums? I am very much hoping that this isn't the case, but if it is, I would like to voice again my dissatisfaction at these particular type of adverts, and also advise that I shall be cancelling my magazine subscription (held for several years) and switching my browsing to an alternative tech website.

    I would take absolutely no pleasure in this, and wouldn't be taking this action as a result of the adverts, but more of the reaction to my comments about the adverts, if this is indeed what has happened. There is nothing in the thread I posted that was illegal or inflammatory so I cannot think of anything that means it should be wiped from the forums.

    I'm hoping that a Bit-Tech staffer sees this thread and comments accordingly - I'm not just throwing a hissy fit, I genuinely want to know what has happened and I really hope it is a misunderstanding.

    Thanks all.
  2. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I deleted the thread - though I meant to do it in such a way that it was visible I had done it.

    The reason I deleted the thread was that you weren't giving feedback or suggestions about the adverts, as this sub-forum is intended for, and nor were you merely expressing simple dissatisfaction at a certain method of advertising. Those are things we encourage conversation about and regularly enter into discussions about.

    Instead, the title and content of your thread was "How can I block these adverts?" - skipping the dialogue and going straight to finding and publicising a way to take money away from the site.

    I realise that it seems like a marginal amount, but the fact of the matter is that advertising on Bit-tech pays our - pays my - wage. It's fine to discuss advertising and complain about it to motivate change - which has happened on the site many times in the past, where we've dropped revenue in order to ensure a better experience. But that's not what you did.

    Think of it this way; if you walk into a shop and civilly complain to the manager that you think his wares are overpriced then that's very different from walking in with some friends and loudly explaining how you plan to shoplift.
  3. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Hi Joe,

    I fully and completely take on board what you say - I hope my first post in thread wasn't taken as an offensive against you guys, as it really wasn't intended that way. I understand that the advertising revenue is the only real source of income on Bit-Tech and it is indeed providing you with your wage, but where you state that posts discussing and trying to bring about change to advertising is what should be posted: there already are many posts discussing this, as I intimated in my original thread, and that all of these decry the sort of advertising that I was trying to restrict from detracting from my experience with Bit-Tech. I certainly have no issue with static adverts, banners, popups from highlighted items, etc, and only have an issue with automatic video adverts.

    I think it's beyond contestation that the advertising on Bit-Tech has and is continuing to increase in all ways - this is never going to change and arguing for it will be largely ineffectual. As a compromise I was only asking for a way to prevent a specific type of advert from inconveniencing my experience with the otherwise excellent site.

    Ironically, my office PCs all have these blockers that prevent the videos from playing - I just wanted the same thing for my mobile PCs and personal PCs.

    Thank you very much, Joe, for your prompt reply though - I do appreciate that.

    Many thanks.

    Edit: I've just re-read your post, and I can also see where you are coming from with regards to your point about my original thread seeming to be solely designed to remove potential income for the site. I assure you this wasn't my intention, but I can see where this wrong impression could have arisen. My apologies.
    Last edited: 21 Oct 2011
    Snips likes this.
  4. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    Good point well made greypilgers
  5. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I understand where you're coming from Greypilgers, but it's still a matter of the way you presented the point and the attention and replies the post attracted.

    At the end of the day we can't allow people to undermine the function of the website in that way on the forums. If you want to make another post explaining why you don't like the adverts and coming up with alternatives, I'll make sure it gets read by the right people.
    Carrie likes this.
  6. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Thanks Joe. I quite believe that I possibly overreacted and din't think about the impression my post would give. Cheers for taking the time to address my OP - much appreciated mate!

  7. mediapcAddict

    mediapcAddict What's a Dremel?

    8 Sep 2010
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    tbh bit-tech isn't the worst offender when it comes to adverts. some sites articles are unreadable as there is a minefield of blue underlined words that produce article blocking popups. although with firefox, ie, opera , chrome and safari you might want to use one those browsers for bittech and just not install flash. - it's easier than disabling and then re-enabling flash. but srsly bit tech nowhere near as bad as some tech sites.

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