Hi guys, I really dont know where else I could ask so I thought I'll ask here. Please correct me if this is not a place for such question. Anyway I work for a software company developing filters for games and social media to keep kiddies safe from bullying, sex predators, offenders, spammers etc. There is LOADS of testing involved. The best way to test new filter is to run few million chat lines against it and see what is being blocked and what is not. Now the problem is obtaining those chat lines. Untill we worked in the languages that used same alphabet it was easy. Problems started to come up when we signed contract with Japanese and Russian clients and we will have to develop filters to work in Kanji and Cyrillic alpabets. As much as the development of those filters is huge task the bigger one is to obtain chat lines for testing. I need to start logging chats for filter - now. Otherw ise we wont be able to test properly. There are loads of chatrooms on the net both in Japanese and Russian but my question is: Do any of you know any software that allows you to log either chat or whole website regularly? For our european languages I have used different channels on different networks on IRC. I have bot that logs just the chat lines for me. But now I need those two languages in their original aplhabets hence my question. For some reason I have been made responsible for that and my review is in just two days happy me eh? Absolutely any help with that is hugely appreciated. Thanks for reading this! Pawel
Hey thanks for replay - not that easy mate. Most of them use simplified chars or just english alphabet. I have looked on the most popular Irc nets and havent found anything unless I have missed something obvious. If I could do it by irc then there would be no reason for me to write that post