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Computer keeps 'cycling' after swapping graphics cards

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by bixie_62, 26 Apr 2007.

  1. bixie_62

    bixie_62 Minimodder

    17 Jun 2004
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    having a few issues with my computer, hopeing somebody on here can help.

    have 2 drives, both 80gb, one ide and one SATA

    booting off the SATA with seperate versions of windows (dual-booting-both legit xp's!)

    basically, i had it booted into the install on the SATA drive (install TWO) and i swapped out the radeon graphics card for a geforce 4 to test it out

    ran fine

    after removing the card and plugging the radeon 9800pro back in, the windows 'loading' screen comes up and then the computer just restarts!

    i've run Chkdsk on each of the three partitions on that SATA drive, i've used 'FIXMBR and FIXBOOT' commands, still nothing

    the error it throws up if i tell it not to 'reboot after error' is 0x0000007B which was why i ran chkdsk a few dozen times!

    can anybody help?! i'd really like to get back into that install! its got a lot of beta software on it that i cant really obtain again!(all legal by the way!)

  2. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    It sounds like you broke the cardinal rule of graphics cards - always change the drivers if you swap from nVidia to ATi (AMD). I'm not sure what you can do, try booting into safe mode and removing the drivers. Otherwise I'd say you've had it (well, as far as a successful boot goes). :(
  3. bixie_62

    bixie_62 Minimodder

    17 Jun 2004
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    you see, the thing is, i didnt have ANY drivers installed!

    the drivers i was using were the standard microsoft ones, i dont use that install for anything other than some of the software stuff i do!

    didnt think it would be an issue

    cant even boot into safe mode!

    nothing that can be done?

    if i did a windows install on top of that one, would it salvage my user accound and documents at least?!
  4. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Have you tried putting the GF4 back in? I suppose windows could've eaten its own drivers trying to cope with the 2 cards - did you do a restart between swaps? (i.e. Did windows start for the 2nd time with the Radeon installed?).

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