Have to say i am pleasantly surprised with this one, incredibly well done story so far (few hours in), third person shooter. Like stranger things 80s , something other worldly feel. Have a gander at the opening video. Been playing it on my 1070 on 2560x1080 and only getting between 50 -60 frames, its not massively optimised but very nice to look at. If u have an rtx card some of the effects in this would be incredible.
It's the first RTX enhanced game I've played where the additional settings actually have a tangible effect. Makes no difference to the gameplay, but some of the reflection effects are definitely a glimpse into the future. Fun game though, takes a few hours to get the gist of what's going on, but as a destruction simulator it's up there with the Just Cause franchise.
The aftermath of a battle is something to behold in this game! I'm finding Ray-Tracing adds a great deal to the depth of game worlds. Often stop in wonder at the implementation of shadows and reflections in Control.
Been playing this one myself, very much like Alan Wake with the way it plays but set in a building. Story is decent enough and it keeps you hooked. Pleased to see something without multiplayer tacked on for whatever reason
Finally started this last night. Graphics are astounding, if a little fuzzy. I should maybe turn DLSS off.. IDK. Plays very well too, but man it's quite tough. I am crap at fast paced games though.
Don't like it. It's quite tricky and the save points make it infuriating, given how relatively easy it is to die. The reviews spoke of this but having seen it for myself it's left me frustrated. Back to TOW for now then.
nabbed control for cheap in the epic xmas sale and holy ****! i think i found my goty 2019, its fantastic!
I'm really enjoying it also. The only 1 thing that is bugging the hell out of me is the save points. There's one boss later in the game that's giving me hassle and it takes nearly 5 minutes to get down to them from the nearest save point. I've actually decided to skip that for now and come back to it later (it's a side mission boss).
Beaten it now - just a case of powering up a bit and spamming it with objects. It was Spoiler Mold-1. Just the distance from the control point down the pit and past all the mold hosts became a real chore
Hadnt heard of this game until I noticed the thread..... Installed today and LOVE IT! Some frustrating parts but it wouldnt be a game if there wasnt! Mapped some controls to my mouse and reduced the mouse speed which made it a lot more playable! Going to enjoy this one I think!
I can see why the save situation is an issue for some people. It can be a little frustrating to get to a point and have to redo it.. but I like that, makes the game challenging and you realise its ok to hide for a moment to regroup. I am thoroughly enjoying this game!
I admit.. I rage quit this last night due to the save point! Was on a roll and and got to the end of a very challenging 4 part section... and died...... by falling off a ledge... save point put me back to the start of it.. I was like "NOPE!" and turned it off. Still loving it though and highly recommend it!