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Cooling Corsair H50 installed! B3 stepping and roof-mounted H50!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Wicked_Sludge, 23 Feb 2011.

  1. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    alright, got the h50 installed this afternoon on my i5-2500k. gotta say, its a nice bit of kit. corsair has outstanding quality as usual.

    i installed the h50 along with THIS delta fan. performance is phenomenal. after setting up a custom fan profile, the CPU idles at 34 degress with the fan spinning only 300 RPM. obviously its completely inaudible at this speed. a few minutes running large FFTs and the max temp was 48 degrees with a fan speed of 1700 RPM. you can hear the fan at that speed, but one of the things i really like about that delta fan is that the sound it produces isnt high pitched or droning, it just bellows gobs and gobs of air.

    i havnt had the chance to stress the CPU with the fan at its full 4,000 RPM speed yet as my fiancee "needed" her computer back. i have the fan set to hit 100% speed at 70 degrees, but it should hit its equilibrium well before then. i doubt it will ever see over 50%.


    the fan is acting as an intake at the moment, but i may try it as an exhaust as im worried it may stall the weak raidmax intake fan at the front of the case because it develops so much pressure (12inHg static at full speed).

    next task: 4.5ghz :thumb:
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2011
  2. thelaw

    thelaw What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2010
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    Generally they suggest the fan should be drawing cool air from the outside through the rad rather than warm air from inside the case out...but with the two fans above i am assuming are acting as exhuast fans you shouldn't have a lot of warm air in your case so should notice only a slight cpu temp increase.
  3. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    my thoughts exactly. the two top fans are indeed exhaust. the case also has a 240mm intake fan in the side panel that blows onto the cpu and gpu, so there will be plenty of fresh air for the radiator. the gpu also has a reference-type cooler that vents most of its heat out of the case through the pci slot...so there isnt a lot of heat in the case to begin with.
  4. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    How do you set custom fan profiles?

    I would like to try something similar on my setup.

    Also, what voltage are you putting through your CPU for 3.8GHz stable? Ive got 1.28v currently, but i want to try and reduce it slightly.
  5. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    Delta fans..... your fu0king nuts! [but i like it :D]
  6. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    im using gigabytes motherboard utility for the custom fan profile (easytune6). its not the greatest program, but it was already installed.

    the sandy bridge system is still running at the stock 3.3 ghz with whatever volts VID gave it. will probably overclock it this weekend. my i5-750 is the one running 3.8ghz and its at 1.25v vcore.

    im very impressed with this delta fan. it makes all my other "high quality" case fans look like little plastic toys. its heavy, smooth, and powerful...i like it :)
  7. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    Cool thank you. I am going to test 1.25v (Maybe even lower? :)) tonight on my i5-750, as im at 3.8GHz too.

    I like the idea of a custom fan profile, shame these things cant be configured in the BIOS, rather than installing an application in Windows.

    My h50 currently keeps the CPU at 69c max under full load, im looking to shave a couple degrees off that
  8. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    most motherboards will control the CPU fan based on CPU temp. you just have to enable it in BIOS. in fact, the p67 even allows you to change the fan curve in the BIOS which i was really excited for. the only problem being the delta fan is so powerful that even the least aggressive profile still had the fan idling at about 1200RPM, which is a little high for that fan.

    you probably wont be able to take away much more voltage than that at 3.8 ghz, but it doesnt hurt to try. 69 degrees isnt bad though. my peak at current settings is about 67 degrees with a tuniq tower 120 extreme and good case airflow. it never sees over 60 for normal usage including gaming.
  9. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    After some initial fussing, the 2500k is running stable at 4.5ghz. this board seems to have a pretty hefty vdroop. i have to run 1.35v in the bios/at idle to keep it close to 1.3v under load (it drops to 1.29v actually, but seems stable). it wont run stable at 1.33v in bios as it drops to 1.26v under load and crashes.

    at 4.5ghz/1.35v vcore i get 67 degrees @ 3100rpm fan speed (25 degrees ambient). its loud to say the least, but shouldnt ever get that high during regular use. overall im very happy with the h50 as a cooling solution on this CPU.

    i still have all the energy saving features enabled (c1/c3/c6 states, EIST). this chip will clock itself as low as 400mhz at idle (that ive seen), which to me is just really neat.

    when im ready to RMA the mobo, i will switch the delta fan to exhaust. i think since the video card exhausts all its hot air outside the case, that if i do the same with the CPU then case temps should stay very low. plus with the 240mm fan feeding the H50 and video card, i shouldnt get much (if any) increase in CPU temps.
  10. morkfromork

    morkfromork Minimodder

    2 May 2010
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    I have my h50 running as exhaust and the diffrence between that and intake is very small. Infact in my case my temps dropped by 2-3 degrees by going exhaust.
  11. thelaw

    thelaw What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2010
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    But what was the differences on the actual CPU temp - case temp aside?
  12. morkfromork

    morkfromork Minimodder

    2 May 2010
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    Sorry i ment cpu temps not case temp. My system runs at 31-35 idle depending on the room temp at the time. With the h50 blowing into the case it was running at 33-38 idle depemding on the room temp again.

    Not a huge diffrence at all but still a diffrence.
  13. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    on a related note, have any of you guys found any utilities that work well for controlling fan speed on 1155 motherboards? the stupid gigabyte utility keeps crashing and its a junk program anyways. i tried speedfan but it doesnt seem to work. seems nothing can communicate properly with this board. windows thinks the CPU is running at 5.6ghz :D
  14. flame696

    flame696 Terminating People Since 1980....

    15 May 2009
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    hey what case have you installed the H50 in? is it a fractal R2/R3?
  15. mikemorton

    mikemorton Minimodder

    5 Nov 2010
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    Now I have fan envy. :miffed::sigh::D
  16. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    flame, i wish it was that nice of a case. its a Raidmax Skyline. its a decent looking case (fiancees requirement), but super, super cheesy. i will be replacing it once her and i agree on a different case that meets my cooling requirements and her aesthetic ones.

    mike, thanks. im extremely pleased with the fan, its a very high quality, very powerful little machine. i cant give it high enough marks :)

    PAULWARDEN What's a Dremel?

    25 Apr 2009
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    I have the H50 in a push pull configuration in an antec 900 (phenom ii 940 @3.4ghz) at present i am idling at 25c in a cool room and when using prime95 have not seen the temp go past 45c after 4 hours.I am using original antec 120mm fan and original corsair fan at the moment although may change them when and if the summer ever gets to the uk.
  18. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    Makes me kinda want to mess around with various fans and the H50, H70 and H20 620 I have around :p

    Never thought Deltas could also be quiet, I thought they wouldn't bother spinning at all if the voltage was under 10 volts (3500 RPM). 300 RPM is actually rather impressive.
  19. TheBlackSwordsMan

    TheBlackSwordsMan Over the Hills and Far Away

    16 Aug 2009
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    Prime95 is a picnic for gentle cpu, if you want to know what he have in his guts use LinX, and launch a 20 loops trip. A crash maker, the lord of blue screens, if this cpu in unstable LinX will deal with it like Spartians deal with weak kids
  20. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    pulse width modulation Cheesecake. i could probably spin it slower than that if my software didnt limit me to a minimum of 10% :D

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