Fans. How far can you go ? 66 of 'em.
yeah, I think it's a Ice coated HDD ^^ I don't know if it's H2O ice, or CO2. H2O would be HDD suicide...
The link is not working for me. Can you post some pics via imageshack or the forum or something? never mind, I got it working
That has got to be so loud that if you don't have your speakers on, the neighbors are still calling to tell you to turn the volume down!
80mm fans, and some of them are running as intake and others as exhaust - I think it was the front, bottom, and left were blowing in and the right, top, and back were blowing out. Something like that.
Thing is, if he drastically undervolts them all to something ridiculous like 120/240rpm, it probably wouldn't be too loud and provide a pretty awesome cooling solution. <A88> More pictures!
Shame that they probably wouldn't start at such a low rpm though... and imagine the amount of controllers you would need (can only mod down to 5v with a molex afaik) Edit - And apparently I should read threads before posting, oops...