I see, that's nice. I painted acrylic back side yellow. So I will try various things with that. thanks bro!
Thank you guys!! So, I repainted with the same colors! also painted the back side silver! back side front side done haha Well, The result was what I had expected. This panel opaque enough to cover the under panel and screw.
Thanks guys! Ok, update time! I made a rear cover... for mobo screws and installed front fans drill mounting holes in the panels for front i/o panel reinstalled a custom reservoir also
Oh, yeah...grounding lugs. It's too wet here to bother with them. I forget they exist. It's looking beautiful. All the other cyberpunk mods are going for the dirty look. You are proving that hyper-clean is good too.
Nice touch with the yellow fans. Did you paint them? Never seen anything than the usual black or white before.
So...A lot of time passed since then... Update time!!! First, CPU installed!! and New grease! Bitspower Baircool TP-1
and VGA block installed! A slight change of plan...because I Couldn't do it well, I ended up not using the acrylic mobo tray Drilling holes in a panel so as to use vertical GPU mount mounting so far...
CUTE! The fill ports on those are kinda useless, though. I wouldn't want to open one there with the loop filled.
he is Right I have gone for the dirty look too, but this looks really nice too, think we all need a cyberpunk mod meet up when things are better