Watched the Blizzcon trailer which was very good as Blizzard's cinematics are usually top notch. Gamewise, the playstyle seems promising as it has steered away from the Diablo 3 kind of scenario and gone back to a more Diablo 2'esque dark demonic feel. The multiplay element sounds interesting as the online world is a free to roam experience meaning you can bump into other players and help with quests and tough monsters as you go. Runes and runewords make a comeback so elements of Diablo 2 are very present in this release. So far Blizzard have showcased three classes, the barbarian, the sorceress and the druid. Gameplay footage looks quite good so far. No release date announced yet but 2020 is definite according to Blizzard.
I'm not really into Diablo, but the cinematic was Neat ™ It can't be coming out too far into the future as they specified XB1 and PS4 simultaneous release with PC. Next-gen consoles weren't mentioned.
The Necromancer always gets bloody left out from the first line up. The Necromancer in Diablo 2 was ridiculously fun, haven't found anything that compares to it in any game since...
The necromancer might be one of the still to be announced classes. Blizzard only had the barbarian, sorceress and druid ready for showcasing at the announcement at Blizzcon. Necromancer in diablo 2 was awesome, skeletons, mages and a full army of risen corpses....hope diablo 4 recreates that sense of gaming again
Don't judge the game by its cinematic. They are always good. But anyone following the story (such as it is) will be wondering where the hell they are going to pull the next game outta their ass. D2 basically ended it. D3 was just a joke as far as I'm concerned. How the fudge is 4 going to be anything but ridiculous? Not to mention Blizzard/Activision doesn't deserve your money. You watch the gaming-news? They are with China and against free speech. You got any morals, you will not go anywhere near there games for the foreseeable future. If you do then you are paying for your own slow death. It sounds hyperbolic, but it ain't. If ever a company needed to be boycotted this is the one.
I liked the cinematic but have no interest in the game. So not judging it on anything. I don't play any Blizzard games anyway because I honestly just don't even like them so it's an easy boycott there. (So thankful Destiny 2 moved launchers so I could uninstall Battlenet \o/ )
They have said it's not coming out anytime soon and that's even soon by blizzard standards. (can't find the exact quote) 2021 at earliest I reckon. The gameplay trailer was done in the D3 engine it looked like. I'm a big diablo fan but I'll wait till it's more firm before getting hyped.