Wii / Wii U Does the Wii have any good games?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Da_Rude_Baboon, 26 Sep 2007.

  1. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    My bro is an ex-owner and I haven't even played on the Wii he sold me once since I got it :/
  2. boynoing

    boynoing What's a Dremel?

    29 Sep 2007
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    A lot of games are released in Japan or American only. Some japanese games will not have english version. That is really sad.
  3. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Typical Nintendo tbh. I ended up importing a load of GC Jap games from Liksang and finding translations on the net.

  4. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Metroid Prime 3 is way better than Metroid Prime 2, I strongly recommend it.
  5. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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    Its the reason I have not bought one. There are no decent games and I cant understand the appeal to Mario. Mario is old and the only decent mario's were Mario 3 on Nes and New Super Mario on DS. every other mario spin off is crap apart from mario kart of course.

    Id sell the Wii and get a 360 or PS3.
  6. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    As you wish, I don't care.

    Mario and Metroid games are games that revolutionized game play, and became standards in gaming industry today. And Nintendo still keep innovating.
    For example Mario on the N64, made 3D game.. well possible to play, with perfect camera and view point, to see your character and the a wide part of the map. Metroid on the other hand pushes a lot, graphics, sounds and controller of their system, making a banchmark for their consoles. Games like these insure that good games will be released later on.

    Also, remember that Nintendo tries to make games multiplier on the same console. This was the case on all their consoles.
    On the XBox 360 and specially PS3 there is very very little descent game (And I'm nice, by not saying "good games") that is multiplier on the same console. More over online gaming on the Wii, is well free, and no MIC. No more "n00b" screams and insults passing by and just annoy you to death.

    Mario Kart and Super Smash brother brawl are 2 games that will be awesome. The problem with the Wii, is that no company whats to ever believe that that machine will sell. They all thought that the PS3 will win. So companies now removes PS3 exclusivity, the machine closed in graphics performance to adapt their game without major changes is the XBox 360. So that is why Wii is left out, for now. Good games will be released be patient. But now with games like Metroid Prime 3 remarkable video's and overall environment graphics (sorry but, other then the visual effects (due to not powerful enough video card) they are better then Halo 3 both compared on a standard definition TV at 480p/i wide screen) are truly remarkable, the game physics is near perfect. The only reason why it didn't get a 9.5 in review is because they continued a 2 series game story so there is not much to say, and has little camera issues when you try to battle your self in ball mode as the camera is too focused on you, and not the map. The camera was not an issue on Prime 1, as you didn't need, at any time be in ball mode when fighting.

    That's my 2 cents.
  7. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    Mostly Japan, but yes America does have some games that haven't made it to Europe/Australia yet. It's highly annoying. The other thing I don't get is why Nintendo insists on region locking their console all the way down to the VC releases; to my knowledge they are the only console out that is region locked (I thought 360 wasn't through hardware, but software depending on developer, I could be wrong). They have a region free handheld, and then locked down the Wii all the way to the Virtual Console releases? I doesn't make any sense.
  8. malfunction

    malfunction What's a Dremel?

    5 Jun 2002
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    I bought paper mario last weekend despite being a bit sceptical (I've played the portable mario RPG games before and never liked them) but I'm thoroughly enjoying it...

    (thread revival)
  9. seebul

    seebul Minimodder

    9 Aug 2005
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    I'd sell it on ebay, there's alot of demand for them at the moment and they go for about 240 quid on ebay!
  10. malfunction

    malfunction What's a Dremel?

    5 Jun 2002
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    There's more to life than money
  11. benjamyn

    benjamyn What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2002
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  12. malfunction

    malfunction What's a Dremel?

    5 Jun 2002
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    It's true I tell you. There's women and fast cars too.
  13. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    Not where I live :(
  14. seebul

    seebul Minimodder

    9 Aug 2005
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    I didnt say there wasn't... i just told him he could make a nice profit on it... people like to make money..
  15. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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    And both of those need alot of money.
  16. ChriX

    ChriX ^

    30 Aug 2001
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    I'm looking forward to GH3 and Raving Rabbids 2 :) Hopefully the drought is coming to an end.
  17. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Me too! Still looking forward to our GH3 Pro Face-Offs when it finally gets released :D

    I still play on Wii Sports all the time, can't imagine ever getting bored of it to be honest. I've been stuck indoors with a nasty cold for a few days so I've just gone through MySims. Didn't think that much of it really. The loading times are terrible and the game itself is really jittery, especially when changing between day & night. Also they should have made it like Animal Crossing: DS and let you visit your friends towns. In fact that was why I bought it, a friend mistakenly told me we could visit each others towns. I think I'll be returning it when I feel better. Although it has been good at cheering me up (making a couch out of sadness for the Goth Boy to write 'dark poetry' on was roflé).
  18. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    What would be awsome if there this game:
    Capcom VS SNK 2 with online play. And chat with Mii friends between games.

    Were we can play with the classic controller, Game Cube, Wiimote + Wii nunchuck controller or keyboard to play.
  19. argygle

    argygle What's a Dremel?

    31 Oct 2009
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    hey the best games are the classic ones like zelda and ssbb come to think of it
    you guys havent mentioned ssbb at all and i know good games and i'm a hard core gamer i beat ooct by the time i was 6 i had brawl done in about a week all characters everything finished
    i breezed right through twilight princess in about 2 weeks i'm really tired of all these bs games coming out who would want to play virtual carnival games? they make me wanna :wallbash: so anyways ssbb is very very fun its a great fighting game too. my friend lent me melee and i was hooked i bought it from him for 30 bucks. guitar hero is prolly my favorite game my brother got the 2nd one i was playing expert in a month 5 starred free bird in a week after beating it. i prolly have about 150 games and i've beaten them ALL so i constantly wait for new games to come out.
    ssbb will keep a regular gamer busy for about 3 years trying to beat it on intense which i did in 9 months it's so addicting. the wii prolly wont come out with anymore good games after winter olympics but you never know they might get a breakthrough. overall i think nintendo did a good job with most of the games they have others i would rate as a -6 on a scale of 1-10 still though check out these games you wont be able to put them down!
  20. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    "Oh great I got my Wii! Now I just need to go and get some good g... awww crap."

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