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Rant Done by a rogue trader...

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 30 Apr 2024.

  1. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Just a rant really, as the other half is sick of me ranting out loud...

    We booked a joiner just over three weeks ago to replace the decking and build some bespoke outdoor furniture, a pergola and install a fence as part of the garden renovations.

    As he was a small business, he asked for material costs to be paid up front (£1400), with labour to be paid on completion. Alarm bells should have rang at that point, but he seemed very genuine and his work portfolio, both on paper and online was credible and looked very good quality - so I trusted him.

    Fast forward 2 weeks and I'd finished the groundwork prep that he asked me to do, so he could fit the job in three days, instead of four. I sent him the photos and asked if that was all he required doing and got no reply. I tried calling, emailing and texting, nothing.

    2 days later, I get a message from his business account claiming to be his wife. 'She' said that he'd had an anxiety attack due to work stress and sorry that it's caused you so much worry, assuring me he's not a fraudster and told me he'd call me Monday to advise me whether the job is still on schedule or will be delayed. That call yesterday never came.

    He's not been online or responding to any contact for over a week. I then dug into his past on Companies House. His previous business, dissolved, had multiple CCJs against him, all for small amounts, which look like deposits to me. His new company has been trading since Sep 23 but with no CCJs yet.

    I'm trying to have faith in people but I think this absolute belter has done me a kipper and I feel very foolish!! I should have insisted on payment via C.Card or cash payment on completion of job.

    Lessons learned and all that. Harrumph.
  2. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Sorry to hear it, you might be able to take them to small claims?

    Either way I sympathise - we had a dodgy trader come to paint the wooden windows in our house, stupidly we left them to it while we were on holiday for a week, only to return to ruined windows and the most terrible job imaginable without just smashing them. He was also well reviewed in various places and seemed totally genuine.
  3. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Small claims will be my only CoA. He’s registered with Companies House and I have the quote PDF from him which states the dates the job to be completed etc and how much deposit required. Even though we paid cash, it was a bank transfer so I’ve proof of that hitting his account too.

    It’ll take time for the courts to sort it but should be in my favour. It’s just annoying. Why can’t people just be decent, honest and hardworking?

    I hope karma puts a hedgehog up his arse, needle side first…
    LennyRhys likes this.
  4. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Sympathies mate, getting reliable tradies seems a thankless task most of the time and when you think you've found one they can be shocking and/or put people in a position like yours

    Hope you get your cash back at least, I literally don't know how people sleep at night doing this sort of thing.
  5. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    I can’t imagine stealing a fiver off anyone, let alone £1400. People work hard to provide a better life for their families. This clown takes the easy way, at multiple peoples expense by the looks of it.
  6. DeanSUNIAIU

    DeanSUNIAIU Modder

    11 Aug 2021
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    Run their name/past company names through Facebook to see if someone’s set up a Facebook group. Such a group might have more details or a plan of action already in place that you can add your name too.

    Don’t forget to report it to ActionFraud also.
    Arboreal, IanW and adidan like this.
  7. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    He doesn’t even have a Facebook page, and there’s no history of complaints with his current business. But thanks for the ActionFraud point. I’d overlooked that and went straight to rage mode.
    IanW and adidan like this.
  8. veato

    veato I should be working

    15 Jan 2010
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    If you paid a business via bank transfer have you contacted your bank about getting it reversed? It might not be the case but via Citizens Advice....

    Contact your bank immediately to let them know what’s happened and ask if you can get a refund.

    Most banks should reimburse you if you’ve transferred money to someone because of a scam. This type of scam is known as an ‘authorised push payment’.

    If you've paid by Direct Debit, you should be able to get a full refund under the Direct Debit Guarantee.

    If you can’t get your money back and you think this is unfair, you should follow the bank’s official complaints process. If your complaint isn’t sorted out in 8 weeks, or you get a final response letter, you can take your case to the Financial Ombudsman.
    Arboreal, IanW and Sentinel-R1 like this.
  9. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    He’s technically got until tomorrow to show up for the contracted start date. If he’s a no show, which he almost definitely will be, I’ll give the bank a call.

    I was wrongly under the assumption that transferred payments are treated as cash and therefore not guaranteed. Will see what they say. Thanks for the advice.
    IanW likes this.
  10. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Unsurprisingly - no show and no contact. Banks can't help reclaim the money as he's still trading and listed on Companies House.

    Money claim service it is then! It's like a streamlined small claims court, all online and very simple. Lets see where this goes! Not hopeful...
    adidan and IanW like this.
  11. veato

    veato I should be working

    15 Jan 2010
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    That's annoying. I can't tell you how cross I'd be in your situation. Hope you get it sorted.
  12. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Thanks bud. It’s been VERY annoying with the uncertainty of it all but now I know for sure he’s not coming, it’s made it very simple to deal with. I’m just glad it was £1400 and not tens of thousands like some people get relieved of.
  13. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    Hope you manage to get this resolved mate, I'm finding it immensely annoying on your behalf.

    I just don't get these types of people at all.

    Keep us updated :thumb:
    Sentinel-R1 likes this.
  14. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    There's a lot of it about! Many, many people these days, just don't give a monkey's about anyone else, as long as they get what they want.
    Sentinel-R1 likes this.
  15. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Well, I hope he gets what I want him to get… a prison cell with big bad Barry and no lube…
    IanW, Mr_Mistoffelees and LennyRhys like this.
  16. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    It's a tough lesson to learn... I'm sure most of us have been there at some point. Really feel for ya, and hope something comes of your efforts to make a claim.
    adidan and Sentinel-R1 like this.
  17. wyx087

    wyx087 Multimodder

    15 Aug 2007
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    Reading back, I honestly not sure I'd have done anything different.

    I'm in similar process of getting a builder to do the kitchen. It has not been easy finding people. After reading this thread, I searched on company house to ensure the builder I'm thinking of using doesn't have similar record.

    Sorry to hear it has happened to you. Hope you get the money back soon.
    adidan and Sentinel-R1 like this.
  18. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Yep, I thought I was being careful too. Our new joiner asked for a 5% deposit to secure the job and then wants 50% of the remaining once materials are delivered and the final balance on completion. That’s how things should be done. Worth considering when you find one for your kitchen and also ask if they take credit card for that extra level of protection.
    adidan, LennyRhys and wyx087 like this.
  19. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Pleased to report that upon receipt of the court paperwork, presumably when he realised I wasn't cocking around, his wife rang up and paid me in full.

    No longer out of pocket, bar the £80 court fee - an acceptable loss and a lesson learned on how to agree a progress payment schedule with trades!
    Pete J, andrew8200m, IanW and 8 others like this.
  20. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    It's amazing how a legal nudge can get somebody to wake up.

    Glad to hear you got your cash back mate
    Sentinel-R1 likes this.

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