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Dry Run (Star Wars: Emperial Server)

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by BluFluX, 9 Oct 2002.

  1. BluFluX

    BluFluX What's a Dremel?

    26 Mar 2002
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    Practice test on old equipement.

    This was a pretty easy themed server that only took a day to do (not including the painting) As soon as I get a nicer server case I will spend more time on it.

    Well I had a weekend and bunch of beer to myself so why not?

    I have alot of extra crap parts laying around, and I wanted a themed server... The Galactic Empire should do it.

    Below: Original Case

    Below: AT mobo support ew... have to fix that

    Below: ATX mobo support, much better

    Below: Markings for top fans

    Below: Had to add a smaller drive cage since i was out of brackets.

    Below: Must add an extra PSU

    Below: Finished case

    The decals are the emperial symbol, along with Arebrush font (emperial font from star wars) I made them with full page labels from office depot, and just printed them out with a black background and cut them out.

    Below: Bottom decals close up (the flas made the decals stick out more than they actually do in person

    Below: (sorry bout the fuzzy pic) The door opened. More decals and black drives from an older mod. The blue buttons went with the older mod but look like crap here... i may fix that later on.

    Anyway, like i said "it was kind of a test run just to see how this theme would look.
  2. txi

    txi What's a Dremel?

    26 Apr 2002
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    wow...pretty nice...! when you don't open the door... ;) you sure could, damn, you HAVE to fix those buttons... i think even black would look great. then it would be a all black case..
  3. danielctull

    danielctull What's a Dremel?

    28 Feb 2002
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    Cool. I love that text decal you've used. im looking for a font similar to that, which is actually normal letters, but shaped... I don't know if the ones you used are "normal" letters or japanese or whatever...
  4. BluFluX

    BluFluX What's a Dremel?

    26 Mar 2002
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    The font is the same as on the emperial computers in the movies... you can get it at:


    Its called Aurebesh (i got the spelling right this time)

    I didnt know what to make it say, so I just cut and pasted "The Raven" by Poe and made it all red Aurebesh font in word... highlighted it with a black background, printed it out and cut it all up the way i wanted.
  5. BluFluX

    BluFluX What's a Dremel?

    26 Mar 2002
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    hehe didnt have any when i started... :D i could prolly do something with them but as I said... its a dry run to see what it might look like if i actually put some soul into it.

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