Practice test on old equipement. This was a pretty easy themed server that only took a day to do (not including the painting) As soon as I get a nicer server case I will spend more time on it. Well I had a weekend and bunch of beer to myself so why not? I have alot of extra crap parts laying around, and I wanted a themed server... The Galactic Empire should do it. Below: Original Case Below: AT mobo support ew... have to fix that Below: ATX mobo support, much better Below: Markings for top fans Below: Had to add a smaller drive cage since i was out of brackets. Below: Must add an extra PSU Below: Finished case The decals are the emperial symbol, along with Arebrush font (emperial font from star wars) I made them with full page labels from office depot, and just printed them out with a black background and cut them out. Below: Bottom decals close up (the flas made the decals stick out more than they actually do in person Below: (sorry bout the fuzzy pic) The door opened. More decals and black drives from an older mod. The blue buttons went with the older mod but look like crap here... i may fix that later on. Anyway, like i said "it was kind of a test run just to see how this theme would look.
wow...pretty nice...! when you don't open the door... you sure could, damn, you HAVE to fix those buttons... i think even black would look great. then it would be a all black case..
Cool. I love that text decal you've used. im looking for a font similar to that, which is actually normal letters, but shaped... I don't know if the ones you used are "normal" letters or japanese or whatever...
The font is the same as on the emperial computers in the movies... you can get it at: Its called Aurebesh (i got the spelling right this time) I didnt know what to make it say, so I just cut and pasted "The Raven" by Poe and made it all red Aurebesh font in word... highlighted it with a black background, printed it out and cut it all up the way i wanted.
hehe didnt have any when i started... i could prolly do something with them but as I said... its a dry run to see what it might look like if i actually put some soul into it.