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Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by WilHarris, 10 Nov 2005.

  1. :: kna ::

    :: kna :: POCOYO! Moderator

    15 Mar 2001
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    Congratulations, you obviously have more patience than I and are far better at playing games. However, I don't feel embarrassed because I don't have to explain myself to anyone except me and I feel a lot better at having got past a tricky section and continuing, than uninstalling the game and realising I've wasted £30.

    What I enjoy and what you enjoy are not the same.

    Unfortunately, it seems you have have missed a lot of the explainations in my article which makes me think you 'skipped a lot of the interesting content', why not read it again and see why I do it and what I get out of it rather than 'getting bored and not completing it'.
  2. Will

    Will Beware the judderman...

    16 Jun 2001
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    For me playing a game does not bring out enjoyment just from 'beating the game' and completing it, I also derive enjoyment in the graphics, the sound, the storyline, the immersion in another world battling aliens or whatever.

    As such cheating in single player doesn't necessarily make playing the game any less enjoyable to me - yes, it may diminish the satisfaction of having 'beaten the computer', but I'll still have fun in god mode killing thousands of enemies in implausible fashion and making countless huge explosions with my unlimited variety of high tech simulated weaponry, enjoyment I wouldn't have gained without turning on the cheat. Frankly its far more fun just to do that than just get killed over and over at the same point. I think thats what Kna was getting at...beating the game without cheats is great, but beating it with cheats is still fun as it offers a greater possibility for mayhem.

    You'll notice I put 'me' in bold in my last paragraph, thats to highlight how this is such a personal thing. Some people sneer at cheating even in single player, because to them it sucks all the challenge out of the game....others don't mid cheating now and then if it helps them complete the game and have more fun in doing so (I'd rather have a whacking great machine gun and rocket launcher instead of just battling along with the crappy little pistol you got given at the start first level and are supposed to use for the majority of the game). Theres no right or wrong in single player cheating IMHO, its a personal thing.
  3. gmarappledude

    gmarappledude What's a Dremel?

    13 Nov 2005
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    Sorry KNA, I didn't mean to offend. I've read bit-tech for years and do think it's a great site with great articles. I guess my attitude to gaming (focused on completion) is the reason I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. Can't see the wood for the trees so to speak. Maybe a mod should delete my previous post if it offends.
  4. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    I can assure you he wasn't offended in the slightest :D
  5. Guest-6374

    Guest-6374 Guest

    I am interested in this product or service and would like to hear more.

    I think there's a big difference between cheating to pass an otherwise impassable part, and cheating to beat the game. One is about avoiding a situation that is so unpleasant that it ruins the game experience, and the other is about being able to see the ending without earning it. The second is probably what most people decry in video gaming, but that doesn't preclude the first from being a gigantic boon.

    Consider X-COM, an old DOS game that now has an awesome patcher to customize save files. One negative aspect of the original game is that the default base layout is horribly inefficient; if you're attacked too quickly, you'll be annihilated. The patch provides an alternate default base layout, and I consider that acceptable because it only affects a minimal part of the game, and allows the player to continue enjoying the experience without worrying about the worst case scenario at all times. However, the patch also allows you to get a $100 billion budget, which affects every single aspect of the game. Having that much money initially multiplies your game progress exponentially, since your budget is the only thing holding your expansion in the first place. For me, that's going too far.

    Think back to the original Doom games. Did you hit IDDQD and play through while invincible? I did, and I still had to find all the weapons and doors and keys. What about IDKFA? Sure, I still have the challenge of staying alive. But using both, plus IDNOCLIP and IDLVL, and suddenly there's no challenge left.

    I can't believe I remember the Doom cheat codes
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