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News EVGA outs GeForce GTX 980 Ti VR Edition

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 11 Feb 2016.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    It's an interesting idea, but slightly flawed in that it only has 2xUSB sockets. Pretty sure you need 4 to run OR.
  3. Zygersaf

    Zygersaf What's a Dremel?

    19 Jan 2012
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    I'd say the main flaw is having to plug it into your motherboard usb3 header, so you wont be able to use the front USB 3 ports of your case. Cool idea, but I'd probably just use it for the HDMI and leave the USB as they are.
  4. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag What's a Dremel?

    30 Jul 2010
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    4? Where did you hear that from? As far as I'm aware, the OR itself only has 2 USB ports (and even then, only one of which is USB 3.0). There may be more USB-based devices, but they wouldn't have to be front-facing.

    @Zygersaf From what I noticed, many motherboards these days have headers for up to 4x USB 3.0 ports.

    Anyway this is a nifty idea. I'm not really sure it's necessary, since it'd probably be cheaper to just buy a HDMI extension cord and use the existing USB 3.0 ports that your tower probably has, but it does make life a little simpler in some cases. Obviously this package is for a very niche market.
  5. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    I may well be wrong, but I thought this was the specs needed for OR:

    Video Card NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 equivalent or greater
    CPU Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
    Memory 8GB+ RAM
    Video Output Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
    USB Ports 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port
    OS Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or newer
  6. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag What's a Dremel?

    30 Jul 2010
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    Interesting, I wonder what the 4th USB port is used for. I wasn't aware 3 were used but since I own an OSVR I can speculate that the 3rd may be for some sort of camera. But like I said, as far as I'm aware only 2 USB ports need to front-facing, one of which is USB 2.0. The other 2 must only be needed for the back.

    Does get me to wonder why the head unit itself needs 2 USB ports though. The OSVR uses a single USB 3.0 port, and that port is split up by a hub. To my knowledge, the HTC Vive only needs 1 USB 3.0 port too. But as you've already proven, my info is a bit outdated, so I may be wrong about more things.
  7. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    I think one is for a tracking camera thingo, one (the USB2) will be for the XBOX ONE controller, and the other two? Hell, I dunno, I'll find out when mine arrives!
  8. schmidtbag

    schmidtbag What's a Dremel?

    30 Jul 2010
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    Assuming the design is like OSVR, one USB port is used for the camera and 2 USB ports go to the head unit (though OSVR only has 1). Of those 2 ports, one is used for the head unit sensors and camera sensors. I'm guessing the 2nd USB port is used for head-mounted accessories and otherwise is nothing more than just a USB extension cord.

    The camera is used to sense your position in the room while the head unit itself has it's own IMU to sense head movements. In case anyone is wondering, not everything requires the camera. Actually in my experience, sometimes disabling the camera has yielded better results, depending on the demo.

    Anyway, that does leave the 4th port for the game controller - also not a requirement for all demos.
  9. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    It's a shame I've got every 5.25" bay in my case already full...
  10. Dan848

    Dan848 What's a Dremel?

    25 Sep 2009
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    Did anyone miss the specs on this card? They are almost enough to make a person wet their pants with such screaming performance numbers [sarcasm].

    Core Clock 1000 MHz

    Boost Clock 1076 MHz

    All that performance only cost $700, and you get a reference design construction to make the package even better! [More sarcasm]

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