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Gaming Far Cry 3 Preview

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 11 Dec 2011.

  1. warejon9

    warejon9 What's a Dremel?

    20 Apr 2010
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    I enjoyed parts of FC2, like if you died your home boy saved you. However what annoyed me was the people firing their weapons the wrong way and some how the bullets killing you, that and they had X-ray vision. Also the jeeps that somehow managed to catch up to you even if you were going full speed in the fastest vehicle in the game and ram you.

    It reminded me of the discussion about one of the games bit-tech re-evaluated i can't remmeber the name but the game was very buggy, with lots of people dying to jaguars, made me chuckle.
  2. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Ha. The vast majority of the comments here are absolutely nothing to do with the preview for FarCry3...

    For me, it looked a bit of a 'me too' FPS with some good graphics and locations. More than that though I like the 'Voss (?)' fellow, his mannerisms, speech, and character. If they flesh out characters in this way then this could be quite an interesting game to play.
  3. zimbloggy

    zimbloggy Genius Extraordinaire

    8 Jul 2008
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    I was hoping 3 would be like 2 with the flaws of 2 addressed. I loved the atmosphere and tone of the game, it just had some design flaws. Otherwise, it was a very very polished well made game. I feel like 3 is a bit more like 1 with the setting and the tone (cartoon-ish and over the top).
  4. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I like what I've seen of Far Cry 3 although I'm a bit disappointed at them moving away from the setting of Far Cry 2. I feel like Africa has a lot of potential for games like this but instead of that conflict of choosing which war lord to work for you're saving your girlfriend like in hundreds of other games. So yeah, everything looks great, especially the characterisation of that mad man, but the premise is awful.

    In terms of Far Cry 2, it was a good game imo (although I can see why it would turn people off) that desperately needed modding tools released. There were immediate annoyances that the elimination of would have turned the game into a classic, oh well.
  5. Boogle

    Boogle What's a Dremel?

    8 Mar 2002
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    Couldn't they have just fixed FC2 rather than reskinning FC2 and adding a few more 'dubious' game design decisions?
  6. Tattysnuc

    Tattysnuc Thinking about which mod to do 1st.

    19 Jul 2009
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    Love Far Cry, hated FC2. Am looking forward to this. Would like to see more of the stealth type missions where you can roam around a bit, like in original FC and Crysis.

    Be good to just have humans to go up against. Aliens and mutants are just unimaginative. How can we make it harder? Just making things more impervious to weapons and therefore harder to kill is just a bit no-no for me.
  7. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    Well personally I thought FarCry was just a Rambo style romp too. I was bored by it, and also Crysis, and also Crysis 2 and also Battlefield 3, and pretty much every other shooter I've played in the past 10 years or so. I grew up with Rambo romp games (Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake, etc) so I am bored by it now. These days the only shooter I can enjoy is Arma2 because it's so far beyond the rambo romp type experience. I also liked the Hidden & Dangerous games and the early Rainbow 6 games but they are all dead now.
  8. Glix

    Glix Left Thumb Stick in the mud.

    11 May 2010
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    Not completely dead, Conflict Desert Storm was like Hidden & Dangerous, I don't know if any of the rest of the series was the same though, shame it felt like a cut down version though.
  9. thil

    thil What's a Dremel?

    24 Jan 2011
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    I'm smart enough to know when I'm having fun, Ubi - I don't need huge amounts of condescending positive reinforcement popping up on my screen every I successfully do something. I'm not Pavlov's dog. Sad to see one of the key features of FC2 - the immersion, never has a game felt realer for me - is being traded in to keep the Ritalin junkies occupied.

    I hope the voice actor remains as high-quality as FC2's - that was another brilliant thing - but I'm anxious to see how swapping the big-picture narrative for a more personal one changes the game.
  10. feathers

    feathers Minimodder

    11 Apr 2009
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    Amazing character acting. Some of the best I have seen in a game.
  11. Sarakon

    Sarakon The German

    11 Feb 2011
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    I also really enjoyed FC2...spent Hours and hours on it, so I'm looking forward to FC3
  12. Evildead666

    Evildead666 What's a Dremel?

    27 May 2004
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    If its anything like FarCry 2 I won't be going near it.

    Far Cry 1 was one of the best games of its time, if not the best.
    Crysis was excellent, if you could configure the Graphics settings properly.

    Far Cry 2 was a multiplayer game, with a crappy single player, made for Konsole Kids. Get 10m past a newly cleared checkpoint, turn around, and lo and behold, all the guys have magically come back to life.
    Mission 1, go to the other side of the map, mission 2, go to the other side of the map, etc, etc...

    If they had to follow a model, it would be the Stalker games, but with a more open like Far Cry 1 was.
  13. yassarikhan786

    yassarikhan786 Ultramodder(Not)

    10 Aug 2011
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    I really enjoyed the first one, haven't played the second one. Will likely try the second one to see what it's like. I've heard/read mixed reviews on Far Cry 2, so it will be interesting.
  14. RevDarny

    RevDarny Minimodder

    27 Oct 2011
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    FC2 was a massive disappointment for me. It was just such a grind to play and I never finished it. I'll wait to see how FC3 turns out before I condemn the game but i'm really not going to hold my breath.
  15. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    From a technical perspective Far Cry 2 has al the right ingredients but ended up being a pile of sprouts when it should have been a Lemon Cheesecake.

    The Dunia Engine was brilliant, fantastic visuals but very well optimised (unlike say Cryengine 2 at launch). The game itself though was littered with flaws that ruined any semblance of fun you could muster.

    Remove the Serious Sam esque enemies (fast respawn and endless attack), overhaul the gameplay mechanics (missions, quests etc) and ramp up the visuals past 11 and you have the ingredients for a really good game.

    No doubt though it will turn into another FC2 dross fest.
  16. PingCrosby

    PingCrosby What's a Dremel?

    16 Jan 2010
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    I love the part where you walk into the pub and just sit and gab with the barman for hours on end about nothing.......... Oh wait, sorry, that's Bar Fly 3.
  17. Havalynii

    Havalynii What's a Dremel?

    12 Oct 2010
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    Right on, guys. Ubisoft's annoying opposition to modding is baffling to me. Just Cause 2, The Elder Scrolls games, ARMA 1 and 2, Battlefront 1 and 2...the list of games that sell more copies because of mod support is staggering. Even Raven Shield, which had NO official support for mods sold many copies long past its prime because of supporting mods. I personally bought three copies once I found out about rvsgaming.com's existence. And ARMA and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. have shown that the mod community is more than willing to make up for a buggy release.
  18. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    Love FC1 and really did enjoy FC2. Almost as much as FC1. just something with the dessert made it out of place abit... gameplay wise is fine.

    FC3 looks great, especially facial and body animation. not too crazy about the +20 +50 pop-up, i prefer HUD-less gaming, but hey, if its at least as much fun as FC2 but in tropical environment, it deserves my money.
  19. Eiffie

    Eiffie What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2010
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    I couldn't agree more with Redbeaver, adding pop-up points to the HUD just seems cheesy and it takes away tension from combat. It's hard to be surprised by enemies when each time you kill one you have have a confirmation of the kill in the form of floating numbers. Players will always know if they put down that one guy hiding in a bush instead of cautiously making their way over to confirm the kill, wondering if he slipped away and is hiding just behind the next tree. Or wondering if the grenade they just tossed in the shack really did take out the four enemies inside or did one or two manage to take cover and sneak around for an ambush. It stinks when it's forced on you in multiplayer games but when it's forced on you in a single player game with no option to hide it, YUCK. Way to break the immersion Ubisoft! I've seen FPS's such as killzone 3 really take a hit on the multiplayer side when "points" are flashing all over your screen indicating you just got a 10 kill killsteak that means absolutely nothing other than you earned 1,000exp without dieing. If there's no killstreak rewards similar to call of duty games, why do we need to be informed of killstreaks while the game is going on That's for the post-game lobby! Sorry to rant a bit off-topic there, it's been a long weekend and I'm ever so close to finishing dark souls for the first time and finally getting to enjoy a full night of sleep.
  20. MiNiMaL_FuSS


    24 Dec 2003
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    I found it a pretty good game also, but far too many bugs.

    That said Crysis was FAR superior, it did not promote mindless romps...it did allow the player to do that if he choose, as did FC2....Crysis also enabled a level of stealthy play that was far above that of FC2. You need to go watch gunsmith's play through.
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