S samkiller42 Steam: samkiller42 | XBL: samkiller42 | PSN: samkiller42 | BF2: samkiller42 | BF2142: samkiller43 | BFBC2: samkiller42 sandys XBL: sandys | X-Fire: sandys | PSN: sandys Sanguineangel BFBC2: SanguineAngel scott_chegg Steam: scott_chegg | BFBC2: scott_chegg SeBbY_007 XBL: ZenDrid Seducer_Of_Souls Steam: Sambo1135 seedleon Steam: seedleon | PSN: seedleon | BFBC2: SeeDLeon Seeks BFBC2: SeeksSerenity severedhead Wii: 3689 9414 7421 3544 Shadowed_fury Steam: kev_fury | XBL: KevFury | BFBC2: fluffywuffy | StarCraft II: fluffiZilla sHORNY BFBC2: sHORNY Showerhead Steam: Showerhead Shuriken XBL: Kai Smiley Simon bridgeford BFBC2: sbridgey SimonStern PSN: OvaltineJenkins3 [sinz] XBL: sinz1 sjhujh PSN: fillip2k | Wii: 8679 6803 6310 5140 sleepygamer Steam: dying_wolf | GFWL: sleepygamester Sloth Steam: sleepysloth | PSN: Fuzzysloth | BFBC2: Leland the Sloth slugs XBL: s1mon5 smc8788 Steam: smc8788 | BFBC2: KamikazePigeon SNiiPE_DoGG BFBC2: SNiiPE_DoGG snooky32 BFBC2: snooky32 Solidus XBL: Mephestic | PSN: M3phestic | Wii: 8732 9111 4758 9355 sp! XBL: Dr3ad Al3rt Spacecowboy92 XBL: Space Cowboy92 speedfreek PSN: Gordon Frohman St3v30 Steam: djstudios SteveyG XBL: Numbnutz Ninja Stewb BFBC2: Stewb Stickeh XBL: Stickeeh | BFBC2: -uTi-Stickeh stonedsurd Steam: QuickBrownFox subset7 BFBC2: subset7 suenstar XBL: suenstar Sumanji XBL: Sumanji | PSN: Sumanji superseagull PSN: telferraz sWW BFBC2: sWW26
T talladega PSN: talladega-3- TCoZ Steam: TCoZ teamtd11 Wii: 4525 1236 3462 9354 tennisball Steam: Tennisball | BFBC2: Tennisball The_Beast BFBC2: The_Beast3233 TheBlackSwordsMan Steam: Fenris | BFBC2: Pvt.Zetsu thefriscokid XBL: JAS82 TheJackal Steam: the-jackal The Janitor Steam: The J@nitor | BFBC2: ShellShocked themax XBL: Nine07 | PSN: nyne07 TheSaladMan XBL: TheSaladMan Thomas3D Wii: 7097 9691 6677 8158 Threefiguremini Steam: Threefigure Throbbi Steam: Throbbi | XBL: oldmanface Tibby XBL: TibbyUK tkh XBL: SHARPSHOOTER tominated XBL: tominated Tomm XBL: fluid609 Toxic_Lemon BFBC2: XxToxic_LemonxX tranc3 PSN: TrAnC3_CFR tyepye Steam: tyepye | XBL: thunderct
U UncertainGod Steam: UncertainGod | BFBC2: Sp4rkR4t | PSN: Sp4rkR4t Unicorn Steam: mnesbitt972 | X-Fire: Unicorn7337 | XBL: Unicorn7337 | BF 2142: Unicorn7337 unknowngamer Steam: mega_bite | BFBC2: mega_bite_1972 | XBL: MegaBite 1972
V Veles Steam: Veles343 | XBL: Veles | StarCraft II: Name: Veles, Code#: 350 veryevil Steam: soveryevil
W W4VE_0F_L4G StarCraft II: Battlenet ID: WaveOfLag - Character Code: 496 WarrenJ Steam: woza890 | BFBC2: Woza WarMadMax XBL: WarMadMax | Steam: WarMadMax | BFBC2: WarMadMax wh1te phoen1x XBL: Wh1te phoen1x Whirly Steam: Whirlynet | BFBC2: Whirlynet | PS3: WhirlyJas whisperwolf XBL: WhisperWolf whodareswins89 PSN: whodareswins89 WILD9 XBL: GRID9 WildThing BFBC2: WildThing86 will. XBL: willblack | PSN: willblack will_123 BFBC2: Pvt_Will123 wormy XBL: chekemonke | Guild Wars: chekemonke/Racing Snake/Scini La Tay Wozzname Steam: Wozzname wuyanxu BFBC2: wyx087
Z Zabuza BFBC2: Ninja-ZX10R [ZiiP] NaloaC BFBC2: NaloaC Ziggy_man XBL: marcfunky Zurechial BFBC2: Zurechial
I see you had a lot to do today Wooo I get a post all to myself, I feel special now This deserves like a million rep
Moderator of the Year: All Years. By the way, S is looking a little thin. Steam: Generic42 PSN: Fuzzysloth
great work ! btw my Steam is "emmark" and it does work so... Ghys Steam: emmark xfire : knuckle badcompany2 : knuckalicious I should be using my gaming name on the forum instead of my first name ..
Thank you! I couldn't find you with that nick, have you got a link like http://steamcommunity.com/id/Generic42 (but obviously not that cos it doesn't work)? Found you! Have you got the link for it because Steam cannot find you in any search. Couldn't find you in the bit-tech or CPC groups either. Nevermind, added you as a friend and it found you as knuckalicious
I'll check when I get back home. Can't access any website even remotely related to Steam without it being blocked for "Games" at work. 99% certain that's my account name, though. The one used for logging in. Can also confirm Ghys's name is emmark since I just added it a couple days ago and it worked fine. Must be something behind some names not working.
Edited it now and got it to work some of you only seem to show up when I add you as a friend. Otherwise none of the steam searches or group searches can find you.
I think it might depend on whether you set your account to Public/Friends Only/Private. With the amount of games I have I'm paranoid about people trying to steal my account, so it's set to Friends only.