got a need for a couple of 120mm bluelit fans, looking around though the akasa'a dont seem to push much air, the antec's only have 3 led's and other dont really give specs! wot fans would you recommend for a good cfm to noise ratio? (they will be through a fanbus so noise not that important coz mostly they'll be running 7v) you input appreciated, sick of bouncing from site to site looking!
Crazy PC has a 4 LED blue 120mm fan. SVC also has a 4 LED blue fan at a lower price but it is out of stock for now - you can try to get an ETA on it though.
I think maplin only does the 120 mm blue asaka ones, a bit pap i think too , why dont u do some crazy effect with ur own made ones?
about 3/4 down this page but some people dont like ordering off these people. But tbh ive never had a problem. also / here these people have quite good rep aswell
If the antec fans are powerful enough, buy thouse and put your 4 of you own LED's in No it's a place in the UK
Thermaltake has blue ledfans.. look att the closest computershop and see.. i have seen it here in sweden
the antec ones are weak. i've got these in my case: 36cfm, 34db their "sweet spot" is around 9v, still pushes alot of air, but a heck of alot quieter than the full 12v. edit: opps they are 80mm
thanks for all the replies, i twas being very lazy minded - i hadnt even thought of wacking me own led's in, will most prob go down that route good links as well, always good to see some new (to me) places to buy