Had to use Google pay for my weekly taxi as for some reason the bank card option stopped working, so few weeks goes by and all of a sudden I get two payments for £30 each for Google ads, this wasn't done by me and searching the Web it happens to a hell of a lot of people, so contacted my bank and was told to contact Google first to see what they say, so I've done this and now waiting on their reply, then if they don't sort it out I have to open a dispute with the bank, this is really stressful as £60 out of my bank at this time of year will put a strain on our house bills with electricity and gas. I've deleted my card details on Google and will never use them as as their security is pants. Rant over.
I'm with you on that one, I don't use GooglePay out of an abundance of caution. A few years ago someone managed to attached my credit card to their GooglePay account and started using it to pay for stuff all over London! Called my bank and got them blocked pretty quick, but it always left a sour taste in my mouth about GooglePay. I assume you must need to enter your CVC to attach a card to your account so quite how they managed it, I don't know (it was a new CC, only used in physical stores never online).
I'm shocked it happened as I don't trust the taxi firm and will be using cash form now on, don't have much hope of getting the money back as the bank didn't seem all that interested.
I don't like the fact that they can uninstall things remotely from my phone (although I only noted that comment in the article, I didn't click through). What if something was falsely-flagged as malware? Not their business to be able to do that.
Bank said I have to see what Google says first then I can go charge back if they don't return the money then its Down to the bank, had a email this morning from Google say they will get back to me in 5 days or so to give them time to investigate, they only charges I have put scince I got Google pay is for the taxi fare for shopping.
Anecdata point, but I've had my card in Google Pay for years - I think it just kinda... goes in there if you use it on Google Play, and the kids have subscriptions to some game or other - and I've never had a problem. I use it to pay for Just Eat orders, but I've never used it "physically" via NFC in-store.
I use NFC/googlepay everywhere, it's awesome, I've had no issues but like anything there's always an angle when it comes to the unscrupulous. Once had fraud on my account from someone obtaining cash over the counter at the bank, no idea how but 600quid was taken, when the bank looked into my account, they discovered further transactions of much smaller amounts going back months I did not even notice I got refunded all of it, no doubt some dodgy bank employee who got cocky and caught. (Though for the longest time I was looking at my brothers with a hint of suspicion) I had to raise a case with the Police before the bank would do anything. It got me into taking more care of my dough and personal budgetting though which made me feel like a much wealthier person once I started to see where I was pissing it all way etc and reeling myself in, so every cloud .... Since Covid it's become a lot harder to use actual cash in some places.
Had a email from Google say that someone may have used malware to gain access to my pc, clean installation of win 10 and I wiped my mobile with a factory reset , got a few days left for them to get back to me before I contact the bank again.