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Other Guilds for parents

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by TraumaticHug, 1 Mar 2012.

  1. TraumaticHug

    TraumaticHug What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2011
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    With Guild Wars 2 around the difficult-to-judge corner, I'm wondering if anyone is part of a guild that caters for parents (or knows where to find info on such).

    Basically, a relaxed guild.
    No rage if you need to afk for a few mins due to a waking child.
    No "You must play at this time doing this thing against these people!"
    No set days of play.
    Just a group of people who like to have regulars to play with, knowing they're in a good, trustworthy team.

    I realise some may call such things "friends", but those of mine who were into MMOs burnt out on WoW (I got bored after level 12) and are ignoring Guild Wars 2 for now.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Never heard of a guild for parents, but there are always loads of 18+ "mature" guilds for any MMO. Make it clear when joining that you're a parent and that a video games come second to your real world needs. If they're as they advertise then you should have no problem. Worst case scenario many guilds will also let you just hang around and join in non-scheduled events, there's rarely a downside to having additional members so most guilds will take anyone.

    Or when in doubt make your own guild. A lot of people are apprehensive of being guild leaders, but in reality it's quite simple, particularly for a casual guild. Just advertise from time to time and most importantly, invite people you meet. It's also a great way to make some gaming friends, I met loads of people while leading my own WoW guild who I still game with today.
    TraumaticHug likes this.
  3. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I am part of a Guild Wars Guild who don't push for regs to contribute to faction. But purpose leader who has done everything needed for Guild Wars 2 unlocks only plays to farm for the guilds stats and owning two towns. I did my part for awhile bit haven't played it in months. He's got a wife but they do their own thing in the evenings so he's online all the time. You can find guilds that just play for fun.
    TraumaticHug likes this.
  4. TraumaticHug

    TraumaticHug What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2011
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    Where would you recommend I look?
    I only ever seem to find American guilds or hardcore guilds (not that the two are mutually exclusive).

    I'm UK-based, btw :D
  5. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I found my guild in game and was invited by a rl friend who plays. All the ones with a web page and vent etc are most likely the ones that have requirements to join!
  6. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    I suspect making a post on the official forums in the recruitment section (if there is one) would be your best bet.

    Saying that, any mature guild (I mean guilds with older players) will probably be understanding. I played in a hardcore casual guild (raided quite a lot - too much infact) in WoW for a few years and we had plenty of parents who had to go afk during raids to attend to their duties. I don't think anyone minded at all - we either carried on or just welcomed the break to grab another beer or indulge in a bit of banter.
    TraumaticHug likes this.
  7. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    Roomforimprovement.eu could suit you. It's relaxed and easy going with many parents amongst it's members and a couple of gentle rules on profanity purely because those with children may well have a screen or speakers in view/earshot of said children. They do make raid groups and such but it's always to suit when people can make it and is frequently ad hoc when a group find themselves with some time free.

    Currently active in LotRO and SWTOR. pm me if you have any interest at all and I'll give better details and provide links :)
    TraumaticHug likes this.

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