Short and sweet poll here, but I put it to you anyway: Gordon the first, gordon the second or Gor....Don the little bitty pieces? Discuss, NOW!
Wont let me vote I would have voted for the original, it made so much more of an impact that the second and I've never been to into the Episodes.
Yeah the poll seems to be slightly broken. Any my vote for HL2 episodes are cool but they're just taking too damn long!
Half-Life 1 was some truly ground-breaking stuff: top-quality visuals and sound. But the story, scripting and voice acting (for a first-person shooter) were where the game truly took off and differentiated itself from the rest. Half-Life 2 gets honorable recognition for raising the ante for story-driven first-person adventurers--striking home an unprecedented level of cinematography elements. My vote was for HL1, if that was not clear.
HL2; It was what got me into PC gaming. The episodes are looking awesome, but I don't think they're long enough to stand out as classics.
I choose Half Life 2 since it was the one I played first, I can see Half Life is an awesome game, but it just feels odd playing it after HL2. I had the same problem with trying out FFVII after playing FFX first.
Poll fixed. Personally, I voted for two, but I'd much rather see Adrian Shephard return as a vocal character than wait around for Ep 3 for another two years. Shpehard was much more interesting.
HL1 was pretty cool but unfortunately i couldn't play it a lot because my PC was terrible and I had to play on my dad's celeron 300mhz laptop... HL2 was incredible though. It is one of the very rare single player game that I finished in the last 3-4 years. The only other ones I can think of are Metroid Prime, Zero Mission and Fusion, as well as Zelda - Wind Waker and currently Psychonauts that I am working on Single Player has been boring for years now beside those few exceptions
HL1 was around when I was too young too appriciate it. HL2 was and still is an imense piece of gaming p*rn, and I've never played any of the Episiodes. So, HL2 has my vote!
episode 1 is pretty cool as well. Only problem is it keeps crashing on my pc for some reason, when all the other HL2 engine games work fine
I'm actually a big supporter of singleplayer, I love the way stories can be targetted more and still have strong replayability, but I take your point of view. Those games you list are unilaterally fantastic, though there are others out there (beyond good and evil, fahrenheit) which are still excellent singleplayer games. Psychonauts is an ace game, though I never actually finished it because I got stuck in the last levels. Its very very rare that that happens to me with singleplayer games - especially when I've purposely followed a game as I did with Psychonauts, but I found the gameplay just got a bit samey and the controls/camera really hampered the last few levels. Still an excellent and hilarious game though.
I like both, but I thought HL1 was a big breaktrough for FPS games. Instead of just blowing the crap out of stuff you had a story to go with it, as well as amazing graphics, sound and gameplay. Oh and it was a decent length of play, unlike some newer games you end up finishing in a day or so. I'm Playing HL2 for the umpteenth time, would of thought hard mode would have been a harder though If you haven't played HL1 throughout then make sure you do, especially if you've played HL2... Yes you!
I get your point. As an old school gamer, I have played a lot of single player games, mostly adventure ones, on classic consoles like the nes and snes. However when multiplayer game invaded the PC World, they took over. The fun of dominating real people at a game is huge ! I guess it is this part that made it so hard for me to play multiplayer again. But it might also be the very crappy gameplay of some game that could have been awesome. The first two i can think of are Farcry and Stalker. Both have huge potential (or had), but both have very poor gameplay and weapons, which takes all the fun least it does for me. I was also stuck in psychonauts. During the boss battle of the Milkman conspiracy, she makes you blind and everything turns to black. You have to get into her view so you can see yourself run. But after a while even the floor turns black and you can't really know where to go. I thought it was a bug in my game and searched the web for a while before I found I simply had to run 'downward' (is that even a word?) not to fall. Then I just spammed her and killed her
Ugh, I loved/hated the milkman level. Like many levels of Psychonauts, it was very clever, very funny, very interesting and original but ultimately not fun to play as the gameplay was too different to anything else in the game. It was like having to play a whole new game every hour at some points. Plus, I kept getting lost.
I have played HL HL2 and Ep1, and I see HL2 as being the best. We cannot judge the episodes separately: the three episodes are all part of HL3. But I would say that when all three episodes are out, and you glued them all together, it'd beat HL2 easily. HL2 has the merit of the player not having to have played HL to understand the storyline. H.B.
I voted for the original as it was the best game ever when it came out, and also I can't wait for black messa source.
I prefer half life 2, didn't really get into Half Life 1 when it was out because I didn't have a PC, and when I did finally play it a few years after it's release I got frustrated with tring to use a keyboard/mouse and didn't really see anything special about it. I voted for two, but I did really enjoy episode 1. If there was an option I'd do a split vote between 2 and episodes.