Not too keen on the crowdfunding part ($1 goal cash grab!) but I'm all over a new instalment in the series. Trailer showing some nice continuity from the ending of Homeworld 2. It does bake ones noodle taking an RTS into a pure 6DOF playground!
I'm tempted by the crowd investment campaign (in the "I want this game to exist" sense) but the terms are pretty pants compared to previous Fig campaigns: only 25% revenue share rather than 50%, and a huge 500k unit break-even point. Even the first Homeworld only barely sold that well at the height of RTS popularity, and Deserts of Kharak was not even close in the current RTS environment.
Somehow I've just seen this. It's finally happening But I wouldn't pay anything until at least close to release with an open Beta. I don't get the "early access" craze for recent games. On release, if it's as good as earlier 2 games with epic single player stories, I'd happily pay full price. From looks of the teaser, it's going to be as good looking at very least.
Haha! I've noticed you've changed your subtitle thing! I don't know why I didn't join in on the crowdfunding. Maybe Star Citizen has made me cautious.
Great video recently released. Love the Ars Technica 'War Stories'. Some Homeworld 3 talk at the end!
I sympathise! The enemy fleet in each mission scaled with your fleet, meaning that the later ones REALLY got hard. The HW remastered collection (pure AWESOME) made it even more punishing A few tricks to help you if you want: Don't be afraid to be a cheating little git and pause the action every few seconds to reevaluate - I did! It's the only way to handle the extraordinary amount of multitasking you have to do. Enemies love to pop your frigates - to the point that you can use them to 'lure' enemies around the place. LOOK AFTER FRIGATES! THEY POP AS SOON AS SOMETHING SNEEZES AT THEM! The torpedo frigate is actually the best frigate to use as it tears fighter and corvettes apart, and in large groups can pound through other frigates and capital ships owing to the ability to be able to fire their torpedoes in any direction (ion frigates are useless as they have to line up). As soon as you get access to these, churn them out. Movers are awesome at everything. Bombers are critical to stopping Vaygr battlecruisers (which will ruin your day in seconds if left unchecked): target their torpedo launchers first, then their engines; then use them to keep the launchers and engines offline as they regenerate! I keep four squadrons in my fleet, including the 'Elite' ones you can get... The humble fighter squadron is actually quite handy in numbers. These should fill out the rest of your fighter squad allowance as scouts are bloody useless in single player. Pulsar corvettes are your most flexible, multipurpose tool. Don't bother having any other corvettes. Vagyr destroyers are perhaps the highest priority target if they appear as they have a high firepower to health ratio. If they appear the same time as battlecruisers, use the aforementioned bombers to cripple the battlecruisers and take out the destroyers first. Some missions, it's better to just go straight for the objective than trying to wipe out the enemy. If you keep losing, try this approach. Carriers are basically useless. Use them as meat shields if you are flush with resources.
It's a joy to see bombers go to work on capital ships! After the EMP upgrade is researched a few scout squadrons have a place slowing down rival fighters. Remember deploying Gunships to pick off disabled fighters like fish in a barrel. Also exploit any opportunity to steal a Vaygr Battlecruiser using Marine Frigates. If I remember correctly with the right tactics you can get your mitts on one a couple of stages before the Battlecruiser becomes available for production from your own fleet!
the early mission where you just keep Marine Frigating everything and they Marine Frigate you is where im stuck at.
Yup, that's a tough one but some things to help: This isn't one you'll like if you haven't done it, but have you successfully saved the elite bombers and gunships from mission 2? It's not the end of the world if you haven't but it makes it a little easier as you're always struggling for resources at that point. Flak frigates are pretty good- I think I had about 6 of them at that stage. Defeat in detail! Focus on one carrier, probably with your bombers, using fighters for cover as they can move quickly. It becomes a LOT easier once you've knocked out one. I personally don't bother with more than one marine frigate myself. Keep pausing to assess the situation! Literally unpause the game for a second then repause to see what's happening, repeat. Turn it into a game of chess! Do not kill the final carrier immediately - instead, set up a blockade to keep destroying the ships it sends. You need to gather ALL the resources at the end of the mission. Use a bomber squadron to knock out the frigate/fighter facility from time to time. Dock fighter squadrons when they're health gets low, around 1/3. Again, pause and assess.
Yup. I've been burnt three times now with Steam early release and crowdfunders... no more. HW3 looks amazing but I'll wait until post-launch bugs are ironed out, thank you very much! Hate paying good money to be a beta tester. They used to give those invites out for free!
Well, there are two games in my life that'll always be first equal in their importance to me: Half-Life and Homeworld (both Sierra, hmm); Mass Effect series (especially 2) is second. Homeworld 2 was A BIG DEAL for me when it was announced and stuck out as each mission has its own unique challenge and is damn hard. Hence, the Homeworld games have always stuck out in my mind. I was actually a Complex Mod patreon for a while.I actually shed a tear when I launched into Homeworld Remastered! I feel a bit sorry for @Otis1337 as he doesn't know what he's in for in later missions . I remember on one mission, after a minute had passed, thinking 'you've GOT to be effing kidding me'. Sod Starcraft, anyone who can do Homeworld 2's singleplayer campaign without pausing is a freak of nature. Yeah. The amount I've piled into Star Citizen, which I haven't even played for at least 2 1/2 years now? Not good.
Nice one. HL and HW are both my favourate series, along with Red Alert. Half Life introduced me to FPS gaming. RA introduced me to stretegy but Homeworld was what really engaged with me. But even after beating Remastered with 100% on all achievements, I still don't remember there's a pause button....... which key was it?
Had a look. No, I never used the pause key, I'm amazed it's the actual pause key on the keyboard. I think my tips are, in addition to Pete's: - ensure to harvest every last bit of resource before ending each mission, your resources and ships go with you throughout the campaign. I remember little me waiting in front of computer just to get last bit of resource in HW1 - strength in numbers, always attack with everything you have got. IIRC, unless scripted, they rarely actively do large attack on your mothership - platforms are completely useless, don't waste your resource on those - repair your capital ships at every opportunity, I see my late savegame has 2 groups of harvesters for this purpose - ALT click to zoom your camera around or double press group number. Don't rely on panning - Remember to dock fighter/corvettes that are lower than half health, this can be quickly done via bottom left unit selector (group number -> click unit lowest health -> D) Finally: This is me in HW1 remaster.