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Development I want to learn programming

Discussion in 'Software' started by Slaughter, 12 Jan 2009.

  1. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    programming- probably try vb first =] stig knows what's up- but once you get a taste to write your own logic such as a menu- or anything with a gui and make it user friendly, as in have the code do all the work behind the scenes with the end user doing the minimum possible to achieve a goal.. you can then move into any other language and using other people's work as an example, learn how each language accomplishes the same task

    databases are fun to create when you get a little better.. you'll find after awhile you build up a library of code you'll pull from all the time- and you can pretty much create whatever you can dream up very quickly using past work.. my first language was basic- that was a long long time ago on an atari 800xl- learned binary and how to compile, did alot of work with SAM- the first voice syth- commodore users can probably relate to that.. anyway slow at first but you'll get rolling after a that first program you write- just a warning it's addicting

    programming is a burnout profession also.. hardcore coders don't last too long :lol:
  2. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    In all seriousness once you know the basics the rest is easy.

    I learnt most of my C++ knowledge in two weeks working on the framework of a game I had done in a different language and I learnt some pretty high level stuff; pretty much all the OOP stuff, events and handling, arrays and even some vector stuff. I still need my book to help me with the harder parts (and I've forgotten half of it already) so make sure you have a good reference to work from depending on whatever you do.
  3. Shepps

    Shepps Slacking off since 1986..

    5 May 2002
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    As long as you put the time in i recon most languages could be suitable starting points. Python / java are worth a go imo.

    After that, it depends on what sort of stuff you want to program. i.e web based apps / games / applications etc.
  4. Condiment

    Condiment What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2009
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    If your working on a mac then your best bet would be to start with either Java, C or Objective-C.

    I'm going to be kind and brake it down for you..

    Java is a language still in use today and a great place to start, it was invented because some bloke wanted an easier code than C++ and as such a lot of the code looks the same, but there will be significant differences too. C++, however is something you do not want to learn. All the GUI stuff in C++ is windows specific and because you're working on a mac you want to steer clear of it.

    A good starting point for mac programming is C. C is what Mac OS X is coded in, it is a fantastic language and would be a good starting point for you seeing as you're not going to be missing much not starting in java (except gaining a few months for yourself).

    If you want to go one step further than C you could start off in Objective-C (more specifically objective-c 2.0). This is the foundation for all object orientated programming for things like the iPhone, iPod touch and many Mac based applications. However to jump straight into object orientated programming would be foolish because a lot of the foundations won't make sense to you.

    If i was you starting fresh i would learn C, then Objective-C. Then you dont really have to worry about anything else unless you want to start learning code for windows, in which case its just learning how to code a new GUI in C++. :)

    I hope this information is usefull to you.

  5. Slaughter

    Slaughter What's a Dremel?

    1 Aug 2007
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    Well I am not working only in mac I work in a mac too yes, but I am prolly going with python as suggestide by others to begin my big journay
  6. inzane86

    inzane86 engineer with an axe

    15 Jan 2004
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    for my 5 sents on this matter.
    I started with C++ because i found the best tutorial for that.
    http://www.youtube.com/user/antiRTFM :rock:
    This guy has made a noob spoonefeed tutorial of c++ and it's great to get to know the basics, data types, functsions, loops and even objects.

    After that i decided I'm going to learn Java because of the almost pure OOP(google it if you dont understand :)) nature of Java and its a lot easier than c++ because everything is an object(no memory leaks with arrays and no pointers).
    My source of knowage on Java is "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Eckel, probably the best book on Java in the universe, IMHO at least :). He also has a very good book called "Thinking in c++" also highly recomended. And the best part both books are FREE to download from his homepage. http://www.mindview.net/WebLog

    I hope this is of some help to you and maybe someone else.:hehe:

    Edit: Just had to add that Java is a good language if you want to show of your programs, via Java aplets and Java web start. Also Java is highly portable. Code on one machine and run anywhere, most of the time.

    And most imortantly, read read read read, articles, tutorials, manuals, example code, anything you can get your hands on. That way you can decide for your self what laguage is best for you. And try to think of your goals, is it game programming, system programming, network programming etc.

    I havent tried Phyton my self but im shure it's a useful language.
    Last edited: 16 Jan 2009
  7. n3mo

    n3mo What's a Dremel?

    15 Oct 2007
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    Methinks that Python is best for a first language. You need lots of determination to learn anything with a C in name, and JAVA is... omg, I hate it so much. It is very similar to C++, but it is so painfully slow and inefficient. Come on, "hello world" takes over 8 megs of memory and the amount of CPU cycles it needs to start makes me hate it even more. Python is much easier, faster, more efficient and generally nicer.

    OR, if you like challenges - learn Brainf*ck.

    This is a "hello world" in BF:

    Or Ook, wchich is the single most hilarious thing I have seen.

    Or even Malbolge, THE hardest programming language ever created. It is almost impossible for a human to even make a "hello world" in it, genetic algorithm was needed to do it. And here it is:

    Last edited: 16 Jan 2009
  8. Stig

    Stig What's a Dremel?

    21 Dec 2008
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    Oooo...if you REALLY want a challenge you should start off with Shakespeare Programming Language. Hilarious stuff...

    Here is Hello World:

  9. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    *picks self up off floor*

    I'm surprised no-one's mentioned this yet:


    I learnt Pascal at Uni and then went onto 68k. Watching registers change numbers couldn't have been more fun, especially when they were the numbers you wanted them to change to!

    Pascal was easy to learn though and you could quickly knock up basic inputs/outputs.
  10. Slaughter

    Slaughter What's a Dremel?

    1 Aug 2007
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    Well after a lot of thinking and HelloWorlding I no I want learn Brain**** :p
    seriously though I am starting with the all mighty Python wish me luck and consider giving me your opinion on witch book or online lesson should I choose :)
  11. GeekyGray

    GeekyGray Are we there yet?

    4 Feb 2008
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    Python is a nice language to get your hands dirty quickly. The thing to try and take on board while you are learning how to program is the why you do things a certain way, as opposed to just the how. It can be a bit daunting at first to understand all the concepts well, but doing so will make you a far more versatile developer. Many people get impatient and want to see results, often skimping on the understanding bit by copying working bits of code and convincing themselves they understand it (some genuinely do, but those people are few and far between).

    Once you've got the basics in programming down, start to expose yourself to different approaches and techniques. Talk to a more experienced programmer if you have access to one. They often mention things that you've never even heard of, which you can then go and learn more about. I'm constantly amazed at how many programmers (new and experienced alike) know very little outside of the way they have always done things. That's not to say you need to have an in-depth knowledge of every possible design pattern, paradigm, or life cycle approach, but just being aware they exist and having a basic understanding of what they are about opens up far more opportunities for progression in my experience.

    Also when you learn new techniques, don't be afraid to go back to old projects and rewrite them to utilise the new approach, if the new approach is better. It's a good way of reinforcing the new concept with a project you're already familiar with, and seeing how things differ to your previous implementation.

    Good luck with it all, hopefully you find it a rewarding (and most importantly fun) experience :D
  12. dinjo_jo

    dinjo_jo What's a Dremel?

    11 Dec 2008
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    I would recommend you to do C++ First , most of the languages have a common base on C++.
  13. klutch4891

    klutch4891 What's a Dremel?

    4 Feb 2008
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    I know I took a BASIC class in highschool and then my first year in college I taught myself Python, C++, and started in Java. Personally, having learned those three myself with no tutors or classes I would recommend starting with Python and then moving to C++.
  14. dogdude16

    dogdude16 What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2007
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    Im a senior in high school and after taking a actionscript class my junior year, I wanted to really learn about programming not just messing around in acitonscript 2. I wanted to take AP Computer Science but my school didn't offer it so I took it online.

    My advice for you is to take AP computer science. You can even get college credit.

    Edit: just to note that AP computer science teaches java
    Last edited: 27 Jan 2009
  15. apt-get

    apt-get What's a Dremel?

    25 Jan 2009
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    Java - wins every time.

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