Hi Guys, I've started getting a windows error saying "Windows detected a hard disk problem" and basically tells me to back up my files and then change/repair/RMA the HDD. It started today and seems to pop up at random intervals ranging between 15 min to a couple of hours. How much do I panic?
Yep, anything I care about is backed up, reckon now is a good excuse to hold off the monitor upgrade (again) and get a SSD?
1 TB Samsung Spinpoint F3, just noticed I've spelt spinpoint wrong in my sig. Have been mulling over getting one for a while but I can never justify it over a MB, GPU, CPU etc upgrade.
1) back up data 2) depending on hard drive manufacturer get the official tool for the specific brand : Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Seagate Seatools Samsung - no idea, HUTIL probably, but i guess someone else will give you the exact name of the tool Test the drive, if it says it is bad then RMA it.
You would have to lose a lot of information to be able to switch to an SSD then, or spend big bucks ! As im typing this i think my F3 is dying , movies keep freezing and then drive is unresponsive. Fuuu such a bad time to buy a mechanical hdd now too.
Still not as bad as few months ago. Preflood price of WD20EARX - 71 euro. Post flood price - 150-200 euro. Current price - 105-115 euro. Not the preflood price, but already lower than 1,5-2 years ago (at that time, it was 135 euro if i remember correctly).
Doing that now, I think it has a 36 month warranty with scan so should be able to RMA but I don't want to be without a PC for even a couple of days, seeing that Scan no longer have it listed, I'm guessing it may be a bit longer than that.
DOH didn't look properly, its only the 500GB well thats a fooker. Says direct RMA on samsung drives anyway so save the time and RMA it to samsung direct, i think thats where mine is going to end up
Okay, if your mechanical HDD is dead, there is one solution that might work when you have nothing to use. Grab the drive, find a hard surface, and just give it a good solid smack on the surface. Not hard enough to damage the exterior, but enough to dislodge any stuck parts. Obviously do it when the drive is powered off. It has saved a couple drives for me, and done nothing on a couple more. It's worth a try since if it doesn't work you haven't exactly lost anything you weren't going to use anyways.
Mac_Trekkie, are you serious ? For starters, he will lose warranty if he does that. Second, his drive works, but corrupts data. That means he has platter surface problems, and no "stuck parts".
Not whacking it on anything lol. I'll decide and order whatever SSD I'm getting tonight and rma the f3 when it turns up. Other than the pop up,no issues so far apart from maybe a little slowdown in game loading so hopefully it will last until then. I think I might get a 128Gb crucial m4, seems like a good choice going by several members sig. The price seems reasonable too. I'm open to suggestion though. Either way, thanks a lot for the advice, much appreciated