i'm gonna have to get an XBOX eventually but i don't have an extra $150 laying around for one so if i get one i'll have to do what i did to get my PS2 and GC: get one free with a disk reading problem and fix it. i know you can easily and pretty reliably do that with those 2 but what about XBOX? is there a cheap/free and reliable way to fix XBOX DVD drives?
XBOX drives can be picked up for around £40-£50. Don't know the going rate in the US, but a second hand fully working xbox is between £50 and £70 (depending on boxed). So its just worth getting a 2nd hand one.
is there any way to make it work with any other normal computer DVD drive? if i remember correctly, they use the same IDE connector but they might have some kind of security/compatability issue with that.
You need to buy a specific model and use an Xbox BIOS. Ive tried a direct replacement and it doesnt work, for starters the power plug is different and it encorporates the eject plug at the back
You can tweak the pots in the dvd drives quite easily which may or may not sort out a DRE. Check out the tutorials here
Thanks! that's just what i needed. i guess replacing the drive would be too much work, pots are easy to deal with