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Other Jaded gamer much?

Discussion in 'General' started by stuartpb, 9 Sep 2022.

  1. stuartpb

    stuartpb Modder

    16 May 2008
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    So I've been into gaming since the days of the handheld electronic games (pacman etc.) and my first home computer (the ZX81). So all in, that's probably around 40 years as a gamer. It's something I've never really had any gaps in either. Over the last few years though, I've become pretty jaded as a gamer. I don't get excited about the next great title to hit the shelves anymore, whereas when I was a kid everything was new and exciting. The development of hardware and games was rapid and living through that was great. Nowadays hardware isn't developing at that pace and all new games are just rehashes of things done a 100 times before. I wish gaming still had that level of excitement for me. I spend hardly any time gaming any more, part of that is being a grown man with a family to look after but a big part of it now is that it just doesn't excite me any more.

    Anyone else a jaded gamer or am I just a gaming washout? ;-)
  2. veato

    veato I should be working

    15 Jan 2010
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    I have peaks and troughs. I still get a little excited by new hardware but rarely by new game releases. In the past I've pre-ordered games (Flashback on Mega Drive was my first) and booked a day off work to play the latest release (COD MW2) but not so much anymore.

    Even when I'm to busy adulting or bored with gaming in general I still have some games I can pick up for a quick session - FIFA, COD, ACC/Forza/F1.
  3. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    Might get more interested when, or if, Elder Scrolls 6 launches. Otherwise, played games very little since I gave up on WoW 18 months ago.
  4. Omnislip

    Omnislip Minimodder

    31 May 2011
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    Gaming has never been as big or as diverse as it is now! Perhaps you are just looking in the wrong places? I am thoroughly unenthused by mainstream releases but there is much more out there besides.
  5. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    I think the sheer number of games is part of my problem. I spend so long looking through my library or at new stuff coming out, I end up being overwhelmed and just playing something like F1. Even though there are hundreds of games I actually want to play instead, it's easier to have a quick blast on something familiar than it is to start an entire new game and potentially miss out on something better.
  6. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Definitely this - analysis paralysis in full effect.

    I started listing mine on an Excel sheet (mainly because I had no idea what I owned and often bought multiple versions of stuff I'd picked up elsewhere or for free) and then added an RNG to suggest something to play next. I should really finish the ones I've paid more for first, though. Otherwise I end up picking up cheaper small titles for a quick sesh, which then invariably ends up being a couple of hours anyway, at the expense of grown-up stuff that needs doing.

    Must agree though re: hardware - I have so many issues just using this machine as a tool that I don't want to overcomplicate it any further and my current setup is enough for what I actually play/use it for, so no excitement on that front at all!

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