LawBreakers is Cliffy B's upcoming FPS. There's a trailer now and you can sign up for the alpha. INFO: LawBreakers is a PC/PS4 first sci-fi first-person AAA multiplayer shooter that's all about skill, not streaks. The game is team-based 5v5 that pits the 'Law' against the 'Breakers' in a world manipulated by gravity. Whether you're soaring through the air as Maverick, our F-16 on legs, or rock-jumping onto the battlefield with Cronos the Titan, each has variety of weapons, abilities and gravity manipulation. You either uphold the Law or you Break it! The video did make me cringe a little, for a game they're trying to push as 'mature' (they swear OMG) it reeked a whole lot of: I've signed up for the alpha though and will definitely play it when I get a chance. ** website ** steam ** twitter ** twitch ** youtube ** facebook ** instagram **
From what I've seen/heard, and I've been following it for a while, it looks like it could be pretty solid. My only gripe is the trailer and marketing. The swearing is so forced it's worse than when Gearbox crowbar 'badass' into every sentence...
Cringe indeed, but looks pretty decent. I'd love to see the voices replaced with a british alternative because no one is a good at swearing than us.
Finnish people. It looks like it could be entertaining. Hell, mech-suit flying around with a gatling gun? Yeah, I'll try that out
Some content creators have been given pre-alpha access and are streaming it today: Some videos went up a couple of weeks ago from a LawBreakers event too, here's Datto's:
Just my opinion, but that looks like generic as hell. Early prediction: population lasts about a month before going into freefall. Cliffy B is clearly very talented, but man, in 2016, he needs to learn how to make something other than generic shooters.
+1 Doesn't look like an old school FPS at all, reminds me of COD advanced warfare gameplay mixed with a bit of overwatch. Definitely doesn't score highly on the innovation front. Not heard of this title before now but nothing I've seen makes me remotely interested.
No sign of a key, so guessing not. Interested in the title anyway, so looking forward to hearing peoples thoughts.
There is no NDA on it either, so you can stream it or put videos on youtube. Hopefully I get a chance to play as got quite a few family things to do this weekend.
Typically I have to work all weekend... Looks like the times for the alpha (it's two 12hr sets, not the full weekend) in the UK are: Saturday June 18th 17:00 - 05:00 Sunday June 19th 14:00 - 02:00 Here we go, they made a graphic with timezones:
Anyone playing today? I played for way too many hours last night, but had a migraine today and slept through the first 2hrs of testing
Two short tests this weekend for the new mode: Turf War. Saturday 23rd July 02:00-05:00 BST (ouch) Saturday 23rd July 17:00-20:00 BST.
First proper weekend test starting in a few hours! ALPHA #5 STARTING: THURSDAY, JULY 28TH AT 9:00AM PDT ENDING: SUNDAY, JULY 31ST AT 6:00PM PDT EDT: Thursday, July 28th @ 12 PM EDT to Sunday July 31st 9 PM EDT UTC: Thursday, July 28th @ 4 PM UTC to Monday August 1st 1 AM UTC BST: Thursday, July 28th @ 5 PM BST to Monday August 1st 2 AM BST AEST: Friday, July 29th @ 2 AM AEST to Monday August 1st 11 AM AEST I might have a code spare if anyone is interested.