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Life on Mars?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Major, 23 Jan 2008.

  1. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    The environment on Mars is also very, very different than here on Earth (you know that, of course). Designing the rovers to last for 90 days - never mind years - in what was (is) pretty much an unknown world was a daunting task. They were designed to meet a few objectives and gather a certain set of data. They performed the job, took a licking, and kept on ticking. Now the mission scientists are gathering as much additional data as possible before the inevitable permanent breakdown.

    Also keep in mind that a lot of the science for the Mars rover missions involved the launch, spaceflight, and safe[/] landing of the units. To paraphrase one of the mission managers, it was the equivalent of shooting a galactic hole in one. Putting so much effort into the prerequisites sometimes requires a little sacrifice on the end.

    I see you added a little quip about NASA being a waste of money. Do you really believe that?

  2. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    Perhaps I worded that badly. What I meant is that those who argue that it is a waste on money would use that failure to back up their argument.

    Do I see it as a waste? Let's say I see its value somewhat like that of having pets: you could argue that the amount of money spent on pets in North America alone could feed the starving around the world but at the same time those pets give other, less immediately quantifiable, benefits (companionship, teaching children responsibility and compassion for things "beneath them", forcing people to go on walks, ...). Almost anything can be argued to be a waste (even posting on these forums). What value you find in things I'll leave up to you. ;)
  3. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Beats the value of the Gulf War Mk. 2.
  4. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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  5. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    tbh, it's a picture is of a Ringwraith...
  6. Brooxy

    Brooxy Loser of the Game

    20 Apr 2006
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    I think it's the creature that controls the RIAA. No human could lead a corporation to be as..."special" as the RIAA, and that stupidity had to come from somewhere.

    OK I'll return to my corner now...
  7. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Fair enough. I would like to point out that NASA only receives approximately one-half of one percent of the entire federal budget. Maybe you could take that money and end world hunger. Maybe not. I can guarantee that you wouldn't have a lot of the scientific and technical breakthroughs that we take for granted every day.

  8. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    If innovation is what you seek I could argue that a system of fierce competition in which alternate models are tested against each other in highly competitive manners leads to the most rapid pace of innovation. But then not too many of us are eager about a third world war (the second took us from the end of the biplane age to the start of the jet age).

    I'm neither against NASA nor the funding they get but neither will I argue more with those who are than with you. (I like to play "the devil's advocate" sometimes. :D) I consider myself to be neutral on the subject.

    Edit: I love your sig by the way - one my favourite Tolkien quotes.
  9. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    War may spur innovation, but I agree that it's not exactly the ideal route. Instead, we have the combined effort of no less than 15 countries working together to build one of mankind's greatest peacetime projects. Considering the history of the past 60 years, it was nice to see an American, a Russian, and a German working harmoniously aboard the International Space Station. Now that the Japanese and European space agencies are about to install their modules on the ISS, the international cooperation is even greater!

    It's one of my favorites, as well. I like to think of it as an answer to that age-old question of why you rarely read good news in the paper. :)

  10. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Sorry to bump this, but I can't believe that nobody mentioned the Sand People. That's obviously a Tusken Raider in the photo. Which would make Mars... Tatooine?


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