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Linksys WAG200G Trouble

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by GenerationX, 15 May 2008.

  1. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Good people of Bit-Tech I need you once again. I've currently been trying to forward some ports with my router to no avail, the problem is I don't have the passwords for it. When my network was setup we got in outside help who did everything that was required and left all the passwords at their default. Today I come along to try and open some ports up and I can't access my router :waah:

    I've tried every username and password associated with the router and still can't get in. I called the guy that set it up and he's convinced he left everything as default which I'm sure he did as he's an honest type of fellow. My question is do these things have a fail safe for people like me? XD
    I don't want to uninstall and reinstall as I'd have no idea how to set up my internet again and that would cause a lot of problems. Well if anyone has a suggestion I'm all ears.

    Thanks all :p
  2. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    This would be my first port of call, but if it's been changed the only way to reset it would wipe everything and you would have to know your internet settings to get back online.
  3. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Hi and thanks for the speedy reply. I did try that list before posting and found my router isn't on it. To wipe everything would cause me absolute chaos and I'd probably lose my sanity to go with it. I appreciate your help though
  4. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    Yeah, I noticed it was missing too but I figured it might give you a few pointers; I take it "admin" "admin" didn't work then? If that's the case it seems you're SOL :(
  5. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    The admin & admin failed (first thing I tried). SOL translates as?..
  6. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    By the looks of things you're going to have to get hold of your internet settings and perform a hard reset; your ISP should have mailed them to you when you joined, maybe if you phone them up they could help you out? All you really need to find out is your username and password, and a few simple things as part of the initial setup.
  7. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Rofl @ SOL :hehe:

    Originally the internet package we bought was a wired one but then family members got shirty and called someone in to setup a wireless network. We were originally sent a modem but now use the router and each have a wireless USB dongle with one of us having a wireless card (laptop). Would these still retain their settings if I was to reset the router? Also; if I was able to gain access to my routers settings could I back these up in some way?


    I have a username and password I was sent when we joined. I've tried that and still no luck
  8. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    The username and password you were sent is to connect to the internet, either via a USB modem or a router, they're the same details. In turn, a router will have its own username and password to protect it; once you're past this all you need to know is the internet login. If you hard reset your router (press and hold the reset button for ~5 seconds) everything will be wiped and it will go back to admin admin, with this login to the router you can re-apply your internet login to it and get back online (you may also need to know the number to dial and the connection type). In order to re-instate all the wireless users, you will either have to reset the wireless key on the router to the old one, or if you don't know it reset both the router's wireless security and that of the wireless machines you want connected.

    I wouldn't try this unless you're sure you can set it up without help, or if you can fall back on the modem your ISP sent you to get you online while you et the router up.

    It's a lot of work to get a port forwarded :hehe:
  9. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Am I right in thinking that you mean the password to connect to the router?
  10. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    Wirelessly, yes. There are three password systems you have to deal with, the internet login details from your ISP, the router login to allow you to change settings, and the wireless password to protect your connection.

    You might want to download the router manuals and quick start guides before you go playing about, they'll come in handy if you mange to disable the connection somehow.
  11. GenerationX

    GenerationX What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    This sounds far too complicated for my tiny mind :duh:

    I'll call the guy back and see if he can take a look, he's like a plumber in the sense he charges an arm and a leg. Thanks for the taking the time out to try and help El. :thumb:
  12. Krog_Mod

    Krog_Mod Minimodder

    23 Sep 2003
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    Ok i've gone up and down that list a couple times and cannot find a WAG200G anywhere.

    So.. It would be stupid of me to assume anything.. so just in case you aren't .. the address you should be putting into your browser to log in to the router should be (if you haven't been using that.. try that)
    In Linksys routers, the default is usually a blank username and the password: admin (if you havent tried that, please do)

    If you do have to reset your router, which happens from time to time.. I can help you with that, it's not too hard. All you'll need is your ISP provided information like username/password if there is any and IP information if you're on a static IP (which I sorta doubt)
  13. Rum&Coke

    Rum&Coke What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2007
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    quick google for "WAG200G default password" says it is "admin", "admin" so this arm and a leg charging guy has probably changed it
  14. Golygus

    Golygus Minimodder

    9 Oct 2003
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    Linksys WAG200G

    default address
    default username : admin
    default password : admin

    To check the ip, load the command prompt (start - run - type "cmd")
    at the prompt, type "ipconfig"

    next to the adapter you use, there should be a "default gateway" address = if default, and all is working, this should be

    open your browser and go to and enter admin/admin - if this does not work, and no one else knows you will need to re-set the router - this does mean putting in all your settings again tho - which isn't difficult.

    If reset is the way your going, 2 options, manually do all the settings, or use the cd's settings wizard (you can then log onto the config pages and do the more advance stuff) - tho I usually recommend manual.

    assuming standard UK ADSL (tell us if not) - I don't know this routers web config pages by hand, and some of the terms may differ slightly)
    You'll need your ISP's username and password (eg johndoe@btinternet.com and abc123)
    Your connection type is PPPoA (Point to Point over ATM)
    Encapsulation VC_MUX
    VPI 0
    VCI 38
    MTU - leave default unless with AOL, use 1450

    you can leave the rest alone normally.

    On the wireless page, you'll need to rename the SSID to a name of choice
    wireless encryption should be WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access - Pre-Shared Key) (or WPA2-PSK)- tho this may be down as WPA-Personal.
    Choose TKIP for WPA and AES for WPA2
    the key is the key you need to for connecting to the network - make it up (eg ht0cmghw0c59ph90aehg890q3h580qwhag9hfiop - special characters are allowed, but some equipment has trouble with them. The longer the better, and no words etc).
    Broadcast SSID is if you want to hide your wireless network ?(means setting up profiles on the PCs manually, rather than auto creation)

    Those are prety much the basic settings you need really, and re-setting it will mean you have access as and when you need to.
  15. Krog_Mod

    Krog_Mod Minimodder

    23 Sep 2003
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    my bad.
  16. Shadow_101

    Shadow_101 Minimodder

    12 Feb 2004
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    If this chap setup the router for you, why don’t you just get him to give you the password? There’s no way he should charge you for the password to your own equipment!

    edit: sorry disregard what I said, I didn’t read your first post fully!
  17. badders

    badders Neuken in de Keuken

    4 Dec 2007
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    Did you say that all the computers access the internet through wireless?
    some routers allow you to block any requests to manage it wirelessly - you need to be cable connected. I'm not sure whether yours is one, or whether you'd even get a login prompt if this was disabled.

    Have you tried connecting to it via cable?

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