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Windows locking up jureing a game

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Elspuddy, 17 Feb 2002.

  1. Elspuddy

    Elspuddy Minimodder

    2 Oct 2001
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    o.k I'M StuMped on this onE,
    tHis iS thE sYsTem speaks Of my fIrends pc
    GigabiTe maIn BoArd
    128 meg raM
    amd Duron 800
    aurEAl voteK sound card
    gf4 mx
    DVd Rom
    cd rom
    zip dRive
    300W psu

    Now each TimE he trYs to play z stEEl sidErs it lOcks up, hE HaS tryed thE PAtch but it sTill dose it, and IdEars ???

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