News Long-lost DICE platformer Hardcore resurrected

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by bit-tech, 20 Aug 2018.

  1. bit-tech

    bit-tech Supreme Overlord Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    12 Mar 2001
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  2. lacuna

    lacuna Minimodder

    9 Aug 2004
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    Seems like an odd decision. I could be wrong but I suspect the resurgence in retro gaming is more down to the nostalgia appeal, rather than to play anything new from that era. A 'new' mega drive game isn't going to have any of that appeal but it will have all of the drawbacks
  3. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    I mean, you say that, but there's still a decent (though not modern-triple-A size, by any means) market for new stuff. Tänzer raised over £12k without any kind of pedigree, Tanglewood got nearly £55k, and Xeno Crisis got over £72k.

    DICE's project has two prime advantages: it's something people from that era will remember hearing about but never seeing, and it was mostly-complete when it was ash-canned - meaning it doesn't need to be developed from scratch, just finished then ported (and the latter'll be as easy as "bundle with Mega Drive emulator, job's a good 'un.")
  4. Intron

    Intron What's a Dremel?

    8 Aug 2018
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    Its been interesting hearing how far reaching this work to recover this title has gone. The work to bring it back has extended beyond those named with the guys from FallDamage studio (Previous Dice employees like Mikael Kalms) helping bring back this Game from Failing memory carts and languishing dead hard drives.

    It is touted as a Metroid Vania style game ..... this is the bit that worries me as we just had Dead Cells and to be honest i dont see how you can nail it better than this as dead cells is pretty good. it might well be a good title on its own but i can see it being compared to and bench-marked against the dead cells successes.
  5. jb0

    jb0 Minimodder

    8 Apr 2012
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    Honestly, I hope Dead Cells isn't the standard we hold future Metroid-em-ups against, because Dead Cells is a fast-paced action game with a randomized map and powerups.
    It is a fun game with great moment-to-moment play, but the purely random nature of the game makes it a TERRIBLE Metroid-em-up. (Heck, It already has problems with its own rules, as it has time-gated map segments that the random map makes into gated purely by chance.)
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  6. Intron

    Intron What's a Dremel?

    8 Aug 2018
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    Yeah thinking about it more i agree it doesn't fit that aspect of it. And while RNG can make a game fun in some aspects it can be incredible frustrating or hinder the game experience. A bit how i felt with Binding of Issac some games were impossible due to RNG others easy.
    So yeah in review i agree with you.
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