Hello, I'm looking for some help with some long range network equipment as I don't really have any experience with it. Currently, we have a broadband/satellite combination connection originating from a central point, but the range obviously isn't very far. Here is a diagram of the problem (excuse my aweful paint skills ) http://s9.postimg.org/uf7vn9zkf/site.png A description: The origin is where the connection will originate from. The blue rectangle is water The rectangles are rows of caravans that want a broadband signal. I haven't managed to measure the second length yet but I will tomorrow. The idea is that we are going to move to an unlimited satellite connection, and then the signal will be broadcast to everyone. However, it is not possible to lay cables to these so wireless is the only option. So a couple of questions: Is it possible (and cost efficient) to just have a big antenna/s at the central point to broadcast the signal or would it be a better idea to have a series of repeaters? Is there a way to limit bandwidth for certain applications such as P2P, or even block it at certain times of the day. What kind of equipment will I need Thanks for any help!