We have gotten ourselves into Old Gods of Appalachia here recently, as well as true crime podcasts. The Bluetooth speaker is a checkout line special that's not terrible but has that tinny fart in a coffee can sound. I grew up with radio that had tubes at one of my great-grandparents' house. I still want that sound. I'm considering an old tube radio, an AM broadcaster and a bluetooth bridge but that's a lot of signal translation. Is there a way to get that warm tube sound without all those hoops? Am very good at soldering, so not afraid there. Can build a suitable enclosure. Just hoping not to break the bank if possible. Might want a magic eye dB meter in there, but I can wire that up.
Something like https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001828613892.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4djXscj2 may work. It's a pre-amp so you'll need to put it between your bluetooth receiver & an amp (maybe build inside an old radio shell?) or https://www.aliexpress.com/item/330...xp_id=736997cb-8b3c-4647-b58a-f00d5179d05c-35 then use line in on your speaker (if it's got one)