We've been talking with you guys and other people over the net and as most of you will know there does seem to be a link between biocides and problems with plating. So i have been working on some thing that is a solution to help towards reducing the risk of plating issues and biocide usage. Under testing i have noted that plating issue arise more when the PH of liquid turn to acid and this helps exasperate the problem further yet pre-mix fluids which have a PH of between 6.5 to 8.5 doesn't seem to cause this issue. All so another thing to note is dye all so work better in this range and will not lose there colour. Now even though on Mayhems Biocide Extreme we have it on the bottle only use between 1 to 2 drops per 1 Ltr of fluid people still think more is better which is not the case and this causes dammage to a water cooling system. So with in effect next week we will be rolling out a "test" kit with all our Mayhems Biocide Extreme. This test kit is a very simple one and will comprise of a Card with instructions and a chart and 10 PH test strips (you can cut them in 1/2 and make 20 if you like). Using the PH test strips and the instruction card which has the colour chart of you can see the effect mayhems biocide extreme has on you liquid in your water cooling system and it will help keep you system in top shape. Even though we personally do "not" produce blocks plated or none plated we think that by doing this it will teach and help prevent further issues in the future if the user does it correctly. All so the it will save the user purchasing a more expensive PH tester. One of the advantages of using test strips is that when testing our Ultra Pure H20 because of the lack of dissolved-oxygen in the water normal cheap end PH electronic testers cannot read the liquid correctly but test strips can. We think by doing this little token gesture to you our users it will show that we do indeed care about our product lines and all so care about our users. Mick
Great idea, and if people run out of the strips from your kit are you going to offer a seperate kit just for the pH test? if not, there is always the option of buying test strips meant for your pool or spa, but you need to make sure you use the color chart that comes with the strips, no matter which strips you use
We can offer a small packs but the idea really is just to educate the new users and aid and assist regular users. You can as said all ways buy packs for a couple of pounds from any fish shop, pet shop or pool shop cheaply enough. Were just offering a little token gesture to help prolong the life of your equipment.
Oky we have adjusted the Test kits and lost 500 test strips in the post. How ever the new batch arrived last week with the new PH cards and they will now be included with all Mayhems Biocide Extreme 10ml. This will not cost the user any extra nor the re-sellers. Biocide Extreme will come with 10 PH test strips plus Reference card. We are all so doing some test kits separate which are £1.00 each. these will be available on our site as a separate purchase. So you add add a pack onto any dye order and this will help keep you system in top form. The test kit on its own comes with 20 test strips plus Reference card.