Office 365 hidden inside.
Did you never get to play pong on a BBC computer at school in the extra curriculum lessons? Very formative for me they were! Also, I bet many of the kids are already playing mine craft, given its insane popularity! I suspect it won't be as difficult as you think. Unless that was Sarcasm? If so, carry on
In my case it was primary school lunchtimes spent playing Cannon Fodder and Zool on the school's Acorns, there was a PC [*a* PC] but it was for CAD [it was given to the school as part of an initiative with a local secondary school to get kids interested in design/tech iirc] and there were no games on it. EDIT: So if i've read it right, it'll use the 'Microsoft Account for work/schools' or whatever they're calling it this week, so they can log into this and Onedrive/office 365/etc. with the same login if the school has/uses them.
Cannon Fodder!! Yes! My 6 year old step brother is pretty awesome at Minecraft on the ipad and 360 already! As a somewhat responsible adult now, it's the one game I keep telling my mom it's ok to leave them playing
I think it's more a case that using the MS account infrastructure that office 365 uses, makes it easier to deploy the software/game in a school or corporate environment. There has been huge push to get O365 pushed out on many of the clients we support at work, a trend that is also indicative of the industry as a whole. If I understand it right.