Back payment required, says China.
As you said in your article, the fine isn't really that big a deal for a company like MS. Moreover, even if they do end up paying anything at all, it's highly unlikely that they'd cough up anywhere near £87m; they have a plethora of lawyers and accountants who will be able to trim substantial fat off that tax bill.
Is it just me or is China anti-western when it comes to tech corporations? ; they have their own rival search engines,tablets etc etc. I reckon give them enough time to mass reproduce the Intel cpus and nvidia gpus they have in their supercomputers and theres the asian market gone .
I don't think they are anti-western, they are just doing what's best for them, wringing whatever they can get out of everybody else, can't really blame them for that, how long has the west been dictating terms of trade to smaller countries.
To be honest I am not sure where you are coming from with that perspective. The Chinese market and much of Asia has been (until very recently) a no go area for Western corporations due to the nature of the Communist regimes that govern much of those areas. It is only in recent years that those markets have started to open up and be more free. I remember when the Olympics went to China and there was a lot of talk about BBC reporters not being able to access their own websites due to Chinese internet filtering. It has also been long talked about (and even featured on Top Gear) that the Chinese copy western designed cars under their own names. If anything, the Chinese companies are coming West far quicker than the other way round as can be seen with the growth of Huawei who not only have grown in to the mobile market but also have a lot to do with much of the back end of BT.
Just getting "bad gateway" message when I try and read this article. same with the metal gear article.