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Displays Might be getting a second screen at some point

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by mm vr, 17 Aug 2009.

  1. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    As the title says.

    I want to go multi monitor, and will propably be getting a second screen at christmas. (Dunno why making a thread this early...)

    I don't have a specified budget but I'm not going to spend 1000€ on it and rather not even 400. What I do on the PC is basically some games, mostly internet browsing, and other general PC usage. Not much at all image/video editing.

    Currently I have a Samsung SM 2232BW (which cost about 250€): http://images.google.com/images?&q=samsung+2232

    I realize you can't get a good monitor for less than 500€, and that is the issue, but TBH I think I wouldn't be able to tell a difference between some cheapo and the new HP LP2475w if they weren't side by side. I'm not a golden eye after all.

    But here are the choices I've though of:

    1. Buy a random cheapo 22/24". I can get one for just a tad over 100€. This is not good choice though, not only wouldn't it match the look of the existing one, but the picture would be worse/different.
    2. Buy a Samsung 2233BW. It would match the look and wouldn't be too expensive (~200€), but then again, it's not a superb monitor.
    3. Buy a good screen. It wouldn't match the look, and might end up expensive.

    #3 is definitely tempting, but the HP LP2475w for example costs over 600€! :eeek: I can't pay such money!

    Any thoughts? Any suggestions for decents monitors in the 300-400€ range?
  2. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    Personally I'd get another samsung, if you can calibrate them so they look exactly the same then I reckon you'd be happy, there's nothing worse than one monitor looking slightly different to the one next to it. Although that's just me, I get irritated by very small things.
  3. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    I use to run an old 17in screen next to my 24in screen, it only had a VGA input and you could see the difference between them, after a while i just gave up and disconnected it as it bugged me!

    Do your really need another screen? I like things to match so my option would be another identical screen and except it for what it is.
  4. pimonserry

    pimonserry sounds like a party.

    20 Dec 2008
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    Just for the sake of neatness, I'd vote for getting another monitor exactly the same. If I had two different-sized, different-height, possibly different-res monitors it'd drive me crazy.
  5. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    Thanks! I think I'll be getting a similar screen then. Easier on my wallet aswell.

    The 2232 I have already isn't for sale anymore, and the otherwise same 2233 has a different panel altogether. Do you think it's going to bother me much?
  6. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    well i have a 22" 16:10 and a 19" 4:3 so i reckon most people here would struggle with that!

    Ive decided on selling both of these, get the HP and then later on get a cheapo 15". tbh i have my second screen turned off a lot of the time anyway, i just turn it on when im doing 3D work or some particulaly heavy browsing. so an inferior second screen is fine
  7. sjxh2

    sjxh2 What's a Dremel?

    18 Aug 2009
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    I run a dual screen off my laptop which is a Toshiba 15.4" and my external a Viewsonic 20". I can tell there's a difference in color between the 2 monitors and the size is pretty obvious. If I had a choice, I'd personally run 2 of the same monitors but laptops don't come Viewsonic+20" wide :p
  8. javaman

    javaman May irritate Eyes

    10 May 2009
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    Agreed on the 2 monitors the same. Although 2 of different size or slight colour wouldn't annoy me itself, its more for the sake of neatness and symetry.
  9. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    Got the 2233 a few weeks back! :D

    It doesn't exactly match the looks of the old 2232, and as the panel is different, the picture doesn't look exactly the same. But good enough for me.

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