for all you counter strike, TFC and other various other HL mod players, a new Half life patch is out - available Here!
neone played the DMC addon , its a rite lauff bit chaotic though! , reccommend action half-life BY server needs more players! i wanna play but its boorin by meself
15 meg's a bit less than i thought it'd be. Shame the Dungeon Keeper 2 patch was an unexpected 29 meg tho!
15 meg most of which is DMC which is a waste of time. /me wishes a non DMC version had been released would have saved a lot of time for lots of peeps. (a bit over an hour on my 56k modem)
Its so nice to be able to d/l a 90mb demo in less than 20mins and all these patches they kept throwing my way just breeze on though my phat bandwith!
lol @ u, took me less than 4 minutes on my phatter bandwidth!!! j/k but there is always someone faster than you out there.
Alright for some. I can't get cable coz they aren't in my 'area'. I can't get dsl coz BT are being twats, and my olds won't let me get ISDN coz they don't want any wires being put around the house (don't ask me what they're on about, coz i don't think they do!).
I've never seriously looked at anything coz it was either new out at the time (as all the best things are ) or sommin that wasn't (and probably never will be) within an reasonable reach of mine.