PSU New PSU not working any more

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by BorgmanJayce, 5 Apr 2013.

  1. BorgmanJayce

    BorgmanJayce What's a Dremel?

    8 Oct 2009
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    I built a new HTPC today with the help of some friends and we were having a problem with the graphics card that I was using (a ATI Sapphire 6570) in that we couldn't get a signal on the TV even though everything else was working fine.

    In the meantime, I picked up a new graphics card and VGA cable just in case I needed to use it on the graphics card instead of the HDMI cable when installing Windows 8.

    When I got back home, I switched off the computer (I'd let it on for a while for testing purposes) and pulled out the power cord before taking out the graphics card to see if I could get a signal from the onboard graphics.

    Now this is where I have a problem, I heard a tiny crackle when plugging in the power cord even after the power was switched off and after that, the PSU wouldn't work after switching it on.

    I've tried a spare cable as well and it doesn't work with that either, and to make matters worse, with the PSU that's not working (the XFX Pro 650W XXX), it's not available in the shops and there's only one online supplier in the whole of the UK!

    Can anybody tell me why this happened and what I can do biefore I look at RMAing it. Also in the meantime, can anybody recommend me a 650W PSU that's modular and reasonably quiet and is available to buy offline and that I can use as a spare?
  2. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    Try the power supply in another system that is known to work. You could also try to start it without connecting it to anything by shorting the green wire to a black wire for example with a paper clip.

    Other than that, sounds like it's dead. Good luck with an RMA to XFX by the way, because you're going to need it from what I've heard.

    Why do you need a 650W unit for an HTPC? Dual graphics cards? If not, you could probably do with a 120W PicoPSU. :)

    This is not a bad choice, and should last for quite a while:
  3. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    Just before you do anything else:

    1. Make sure the switch on the back of the PSU and the one on the plug socket are both in the "on" position :p
    2. If there is a voltage selector switch on the back, make sure it's set to the right one.
    3. With the power cable unplugged, hold down the power button on the case for 15 seconds before pluggin back in and trying again.
    4. Ensure that the power switch header is correctly plugged into the motherboard.
    5. Try jumpstarting the PSU by shorting the two POWER SW pins on the motherboard.
    6. One last thing to try before RMA is to remove the PSU completely and try to jump start it with one of those wires you can buy from most PC specialist stores. Just as mm vr has suggested above.

    It's pretty normal for there to be a bit of popping and crackling when you pull the kettle cord out of a PSU, it's never killed one for me in 20+ years.
  4. mm vr

    mm vr The cheesecake is a lie

    18 Nov 2007
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    Not when you pull the lead out, but when you plug it in. The can be some sparking when connecting the lead due to the high inrush current when the transient filtering capacitors fill up.
  5. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    I'm absolutely sure you're right on that, so I stand corrected. I've never studied it in enough detail to recall whether it was in or out that made the noise.

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