Also noticed that the mobile template for the navbar needs changed too - The text on the dropdown menu is white on light grey for "Tech" and "Gaming", making it hard to read.
Are both those images from Firefox, or is the second from Opera? I ask, 'cos zooming in reveals the following: That's a cut of the first image: you can see the 'hue' is overly-aggressive subpixel hinting. That's the same cut from the second image: same subpixel hinting, but it's greyscale. Check Windows' (I'm assuming you're on Windows) hinting settings - maybe try forcing greyscale subpixel hinting, if it's better on your display than RGB. Windows calls it "ClearType".
Yea both of those are FF, Opera is not greyscale like image #2, it was coloured but vastly more subtle and the text was finer. Turning off Cleartype seems to have stopped it, cheers! Subpixel hinting thingy mabobs is beyond me, I just see pretty lights and shiny colours I realised why the 'ild' section was noticeable too, it'd chosen bright orange and blue for the right hand side of the u, the i, the l and some of the d, with little variation. I wonder why ClearType was so much more aggressive on FF than on Opera. Maybe it wasn't being used on Opera? Glad it wasn't anything to do with the site, cheers for the help Gareth Yea I've given up trying to find **** in W10, I just type it in and cross my fingers tbh these days
Ohh surprised me! I don't frequent the forums much so didn't know the redesign was coming. Honestly... I feel it was overdue. Looks good to me. It is still readable so thats a plus!
While we agree they're currently too light your version is slightly too dark so we've gone with something in the middle